Search results

  1. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ now you have me wondering. cant wait to see a picture of this unit. how wide is it. I did a Google search and it's an "Aqualight™ Deluxe Series 130 Watts w/Fans • 2-65 watt 50/50™ Compact Fluorescent Lamps Included. --- Does that help? Hope I'm not being...
  2. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by some1fishy sorry miss, didnt mean to jack your last post, but some of those people were annoying me! Its unfortunate what happened to you, but chalk itup as a learning mistake. Or as somone put it, the cost for an education. Again, if I upset you, I apologize. I dont think I...
  3. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ prob a power compact. unit Thanks!
  4. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by Travis89 Was it real expensive or not. Like around $50 or more like $150? $199.00 to be exact.
  5. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ is it a unit or retro kit mounted in a wood canopy. It's a unit that I purchased separately.
  6. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ Pc-Power compact T5- high output floresent How big around are the bulbs-how many bulbs can you post a picture. I'm at work right now, so I can't post until tomorrow, but it is a flourescent bulb and a "regular bulb" each about 24 inches. Does that help?
  7. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by Travis89 Also is that PC, t5 or metal halide? If its halidethen you can keep anything you want, if its PC or t5 you can keep softies(mushrooms, xenia, leathers, and zoos) and LPS(frogspawn, hammer, torch) Ok, you got me!! I don't mean to sound dumb, but I don't excatly know...
  8. missi

    Help with lighting

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ Hi missi. I am sooo sorry those Guys where sooo rude on your other thread. most people here are nice. what can i try and help you with. What kinds of corals are you wanting to keep. you should be fine for shrooms, leathers and zoos. most soft corals Thanks for the...
  9. missi

    Help with lighting

    Is 130 wts ok for a 20 gallon tank (trying to build a reef tank)? The light is on top of the canopy, which is about 8 inches from the top of the aquarium. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. missi

    Pics of my 26 bow

    That is absolutely gorgeous!!! I have a 20G and my goal is to make it into a reef tank. If mine looks 1/2 as good as yours, I'll be happy - Thanks again!
  11. missi

    Lighting for a 20G reef tank

    Is 135 wts ok for a 20G reef tank?
  12. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Originally Posted by Bombay_Duc I seriously doubt you are a marine. You sound like a whinny school girl with too much of daddy's money to waste. Marine my a.....! You know what ---- I came here for some advise --- I have not ranted and raved and been rude, as you have. Actually, my Dad died...
  13. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Originally Posted by chipmaker So just what does bieng rude and joining the marines have to do with each other. I am a former marine myself, 31 years 10 months worth....I find that statemnent much worse than any such staement made to you, especiallay when there are thousands of them out there...
  14. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Originally Posted by Bombay_Duc i don't own a LFS and i agree with this guy. maybbe you should have posted here FIRST BEFORE you dropped $900 instead of crying about your ignorance. Next time don't run down to the LFS with money in your pigtails. people like you SHOULD be taken. You're very...
  15. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Originally Posted by chipmaker Kind of harsh on someone that doe snot have apic of a tank. I donpt habve any either and agree with Emmett......A pic doe snot prove a darnthing one way or another. I sitl fail to see where you were ripped off. No weapon held to your head, no kids or relatives or...
  16. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Originally Posted by emmitt What a surprise, mystic is again as usual. Seriously though, you should listen to mystic about returns. He has as many deaths in his tank as anyone you'll find, so he should be an expert on it by now Did I fall prey to a love triangle?
  17. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Originally Posted by fishieness i hope things go okay and the LFS closest to you is a better one good luck however i would still like to know what fish you have in a 7 gallon that they had you spend 400 bucks on. lol I started with a percula a scooter blenny and a damsel with 2 pieces of live...
  18. missi

    BTA mating or fighting?

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox ...Did you say that you've got a tang in a 20 gl tank?? Yeah. I've learned my lesson and today I'm calling another LFS to talk to them about trading it in. I've done a lot of research and thanks to the posters here, now I think I know better. Thanks again! :joy:
  19. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Thanks to everyone for your advice. The LFS store is open today and I will call them and tell them that they've lost me as a customer. I found out yesterday that there is another LFS closer to me and I will call them and introduce myself to them today :cheer: You all were wonderful.
  20. missi

    LFS took me for $900

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc Just wondering, did they sell you all thisstuff at once? Before you even cycled the tank? Did the tank cycle? They sold it all to me at once; as the shrimp was the only animal going in at that time. I let it cycle for 3 weeks and went back and purchased the fish.