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  1. mimkoctopi

    24 gallon Stock

    Greetings friends new to the hobby. Been looking around here and doing research. I plan on getting a 24 gallon tank was wondering if anyone has a good idea on what I should stock it with. I am looking for an amazing look or just simply beautiful. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks...
  2. mimkoctopi

    New still reserching need some Jedi Master of Saltwater guidance!!!

    Looking for something small, 25 gallon. I dont understand the reef ready and all that yet is there a way someone can break this down for me. What shouled I look for and what should I stay away from, how much an i expect to pay? Things like this. let me know and thnks ahead of time.
  3. mimkoctopi

    Fish for 24g nano

    I am still researching all the options, what is a good price for a 24 gallon tank? Thanks for any help.
  4. mimkoctopi

    25 gal pics

    Have a question please. Can you provide a list of creatures in the tank please. I am getting a 25 gallontankvery soon and was curous. Thanks.