25 gal pics


Active Member
WOW! Nice tank!! I really like it. That has got to be one of the best coral beauty angels I think I've ever seen. What are you using as far as lighting?


Active Member
Thank you for the compliments, I truly appreciate it.
My lights are nothing special only one fluorescent 20 watt Power-Glo 18,000K
I would someday love to get a new canopy so I can have more light. But for now everything is growing and doing well.
Thanks for the comment on the coral beauty. Not and easy fish to photograph, I need to hog tie that fish to get a nice shot. Maybe oneday I will get that shot.....

I was at my posting limit so here is a pic of my fuzzy dwarf lion too.


Wow that is an awesome looking tank! How are you keeping everything growning so well with such little lighting?


Active Member
That first pic is AWESOME!! Love the fuzzy-wuzzy, as always. How about a full tank shot?


Active Member
Believe me I would love more lighting. But that all comes in time. The only corals I have are mushrooms and the xenia is new so this will be a test for sure with it. So far it is doing very well and the small ones that are attached to this larger frags have grown in the past few days that I have had it so hopefully it will do well also.
I have had the Coral Beauty for 2 months now, sure love this fish. When I ordered it I asked for something that was not really small as I did not want my fuzzy to have dinner so I was very happy with the fish that I did get when it came. Very friendly fish and hardly ever hides.
I will take a full tank shot later on. I have just done some cleaning of the sand and it is not the prettiest at the moment. But I will warn you I do need alot more rock in this tank and slowly I will get some. Just so dam expensive here.....$10.00 per pound Canadian :scared:
Thanks all.....


Active Member
Thank you, when I looked up the name anthelia it does not look like what I have in the tank. The anthelia looks more feathery. But mine is new to the tank and not open fully yet. The color is also a purpleish color. I know it is not the pulsing xenia. I will have to watch it in the coming days and post a pic again when it settles in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
i think your xenia is actually anthelia
pretty pictures

You are right, I did more searching on the net and it sure is anthelia. Dam I hate these stores that label things wrong when your a newbie to this hobby. Oh well it is close I guess I hope it is not a bad thing to have in the tank?


New Member
Have a question please. Can you provide a list of creatures in the tank please. I am getting a 25 gallontankvery soon and was curous. Thanks.


Active Member
Sure, what I have in there now is.
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
Coral Beauty
Yellowtail Blue Damsel
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 very large turbo snail
1 algae eating cowrie
1 blue leg hermit crab
Mushrooms: green hairy, red, green striped
Approx 15 lbs live rock
2 Aqua Clear Filters
Light: 0ne 20 watt Power-Glo 18,000k fluorescent
May I suggest some other fish that I would have liked to have if I did not have the lionfish:
Bi-color Blenny
Yellow goby
Banggai Cardinal
Filter: Something alot more quiet outside canister filter (maybe for christmas....
I do need more rock in this tank too. I just rearranged rock the other day to make it look more fuller with what little I have.
Hope this helps...