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  1. vdubbug

    2.5g Pico

    Originally Posted by petjunkie I've had my 2.5 pico set up since Dec. 05 and it's doing pretty good. I just have an aquaclear filter on back, and a 50 watt heater that looks really cheap but works great. My lighting is a Satellite compact 18 watts, I think. I don't have a sump or anything...
  2. vdubbug

    2.5g Pico

    shiby how is the desk tank coming along??
  3. vdubbug

    2.5g Pico

  4. vdubbug

    2.5g Pico

    Originally Posted by Bojik Why I suggested the one i did :) And tiny tanks don't need a lot of watts. They can use an overhanging stand ficture or DIY hood :D. And they are ,at least on a couple sites, classified as mini compacts. And PCs are typicaly a type of flourecent aren't they? Here is a...
  5. vdubbug

    2.5g Pico

    I have recently put together a 3.5g bowl from AquaEl. I do have a heater in the tank and have been cycling for 6 weeks now. I do a 1 gal water change every week and have finally reached 0 on amonia and nitrite. I use the sponge filter that came with the tank and the oxygen helps to keep my...
  6. vdubbug

    Small Tank

    Thank you. I will start with a Colwn Goby and make ajustments from there.
  7. vdubbug

    Small Tank

    Thanks for the response. Any other recomendations? I stopped at my fish store last night and talked to them, but I would like to hear from some of you. Thanks
  8. vdubbug

    Small Tank

    I am looking for some advice on what I can put in my tank. I have a 3 gal AuquaEl fish bowl with light and filter system. I don't want to put a lot in the tank, but I want it to look nice. I have set up and maintained salt in the past, but nothing this small. I have a Dansel in there now for...