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  1. butrfly253

    Please Help! Lots of problems.

    We don't have a 20 anymore. We upgraded to a 55.
  2. butrfly253

    Please Help! Lots of problems.

    We still have a new engineer goby a chromis, a damsel, a clownfish, and a flame angel. The only corals we have left are star polyps, open brain, a few mushrooms, and some xenia. We also have some inverts: hermits, snails, 2 conchs, a few shrimp, a sally lightfoot, and an anemone crab. We have...
  3. butrfly253

    Please Help! Lots of problems.

    It was an engineer goby. He hid under the rocks. By the time he came out, he was already too sick. He died within a half hour.
  4. butrfly253

    Please Help! Lots of problems.

    Please Help Us. We have had our new 55 up for about 6 months. We purchased an engineer goby from our LFS about 2 months ago. Three weeks ago he died from a bacterial infection we think (he had red lines all over him). The guy at the fish store said to add some Primafix. We did, but he told...
  5. butrfly253

    FS 55g in SOFL

    Hi, we are interested. Please send pictures to Thanks. Anita
  6. butrfly253


    I am in need of a sump for a 55. If yours would accommodate, please email me @:
  7. butrfly253

    Upgrading: Please Help

    We are growing out of our 20 gallon tank. We need some help on what would be the optimal set up for our reef tank with fish. We are thinking about a 29 gal tank. (30 in long/12.5 wide/18 in deep.) or a 36 bowfront. canister filter ? wet dry? HOB? Proten Skimmer? Lighting: T-5 or Metal Halide...
  8. butrfly253

    Pleas Help us Choose

    we are growing. We need some help on what would be the optimal set up for our reef tank. with fish. 29 gal tank. 30 in long/12.5 wide/18 in deep. canister filter ? wet dry? HOB? Proten Skimmer? Lighting: T-5 or Metal Halide (THinking of Sunpod 30" with moonlights built in) Power Heads...
  9. butrfly253

    55 Gal Rr Setup For Sale

    Hi, We are looking to upgrade. This seems like a good deal. Please email me if it is still available. Thanks. Anita
  10. butrfly253

    complete 150gal saltwater tank for sell (FL)

    Hi, We are thinking of upgrading our system and this sounds like a good deal. Please let us know if it is still available. Also, what kind of lights does it have? You can email me at Thanks.
  11. butrfly253

    Can't keep fish

    What would be the best way to lower the ammonia in the tank? Should we add more snails and crabs? Thanks.
  12. butrfly253

    Can't keep fish

    Thank you guys for all of your help. As of right now, the water is as follows: Temp- varies between 81 and 83 PH- is about 8.5 Ammonia- between .5 and 1.0 Nitrites-0 Nitrates-0 Alkalinity-185 Salinity- 1.027 We are using a 24" coralife aqualight with a 65 watt actinic and a 65 watt 10000K...
  13. butrfly253

    Can't keep fish

    We buy fish from 2 different stores. We have tried clowns, damsels, gobies, cardinals, and blennies. We were told to acclimate the fish for about one hour by putting water from our tank into their bowl about everey 10-15 minutes. Thanks for your help.
  14. butrfly253

    Can't keep fish

    Hi, we have a 20 gallon reef tank. All of our corals, crabs, shrimp and snails are doing great. For some reason, we cannot keep any fish alive. The longest we have kept them is about a month. That was in the first few months. Now, we cannot keep a fish more than a week. The people at the...