Search results

  1. brianokc

    I need a R/O unit.

    The big auction site has alot of crap that last 6 months then fails in Ro/DI units so becareful on what u buy.
  2. brianokc

    How many fish can I keep in a reef tank

    The 1" rule per gallon is totall crap. I mean think about it would you put a 10" Oscar in a 10 gallon tank? Or a couple 10 feet long sharks in a 250 gallon? Its a stupid rule fish stores came up with to sell more fish!
  3. brianokc

    75 gallon oceanic complete reef tank for sale, Oklahoma

    Price's for the stuff you have for sale right now? You can email me at
  4. brianokc

    FS. 48" Orbit Power Compact Lighting System

    Aren't these like 220 brand new on the big auction site? If it's the 4x65w which im assuming it is.
  5. brianokc

    30 Gallon Long Aquarium OKC area

    Kender I'm interested. Let me know something and alittle more about the details.
  6. brianokc

    30 Gallon Long Aquarium OKC area

    Ohh never mind just noticed you said not included sorry... I would think 100 bucks is kinda steep for just a tank and hood IMO. Used tanks your lucky if u get 1/2 of what u paid for them I'd say most might average 1/4 of what they invested.
  7. brianokc

    30 Gallon Long Aquarium OKC area

    Can you list what type of fish,filter,lights,rock ? The pictucres are kinda tuff to see much.