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  1. yeldarbj

    Should I ditch my Canister filter??

    I wouldn't be so quick to ditch it. I've got a similar setup on a 65 with a regular Remora and Filstar XP2. My nitrates were starting to creep up to around 20. I eventually ran the cannister empty for several weeks and didn't see any changes in the nitrate levels. I was doing 20% water...
  2. yeldarbj

    Coralife Lunar Aqualight Compatct Flouro Strips?

    I've got the 36" on a 65g tank (24" high) and have been very pleased. I've had good success with lots of softies and some LPS corals. I recently switched bulbs from the ones that came with it after about 6 months. I put in a Current dual actinic (420nm/460nm) instead of the regular Coralife...
  3. yeldarbj

    Remora Aqua C Skimmers

    about 13"
  4. yeldarbj

    Can I add a blackcap basslet?

    It didn't work for me at all. The six-line completely terrorized a newly added blackcap basslet. Both fish were about the same size. I went to great pains to get rid of the six line - not easy getting those things out when you have a lot of rock. The basslet survived another 10 days and then...
  5. yeldarbj

    UPS for a skimmer

    chilwil84, Thanks. That is exactly the type of information I am looking for. If your 70 watt pump will run for a few hours, I would guess a powerhead/skimmer at 20 watts should run much longer. teen, If I had a sump, then my sump/main pump would be very important to run. That is why I am not...
  6. yeldarbj

    UPS for a skimmer

    If I lose power, everything in the tank shuts down. I want to maintain some movement for the tank during short outages. I know things will be okay for an hour or two, but what if it is out for 12 hrs and I'm not home to run the generator or it's the middle of the night (both of which have...
  7. yeldarbj

    UPS for a skimmer

    I've read through a lot of the UPS posts suggesting inverters and car batteries, etc. I'm thinking about getting a computer UPS to only run a Remora skimmer with MP1200 rated at 20 watts during power outages. If I bought a 300 watt UPS, how long could I expect the skimmer to run? I already...
  8. yeldarbj

    Found: Yellow Watchman Goby - whoopie!

    I'm glad to read this in that I added a yellow watchman a couple weeks ago, with a pistol shrimp. He was out and about for the first couple days, then paired up with the shrimp for a couple does. Then the shrimp kicked him out of the hole and he was back out and about for a few more days and...
  9. yeldarbj

    Help with sick blackcap basslet

    My tank is a 65 gallon, with about 100 lbs of rock, and varied cleanup crew - snails, peppermint shrimp, scarlet reef hermits, starfish, emerald crab, porcelain crabs. I previously had a six-line wrasse, false percula clown, and small mandarin. My water parameters have been very consistent...
  10. yeldarbj

    Help with sick blackcap basslet

    My blackcap didn't even make it through the day. Any ideas??? I'm just stunned that he went from looking and eating great on Sunday to dead by 1:00 pm today. Like I posted he didn't want to eat yesterday and showed first signs of suffering this morning. What could take him out so fast? The...
  11. yeldarbj

    Basslets / Dottyback / Wrasse

    Agreed. While I really enjoyed the six-line, he was a great fish to watch, from now on, I'm going to stick with the fairy wrasse family.
  12. yeldarbj

    Basslets / Dottyback / Wrasse

    My sixline wrasse did not appreciate the addition of a blackcap basslet or a fairy wrasse. I had to remove the sixline from the tank. It may have worked out better if the sixline was the last addition.
  13. yeldarbj

    Help with sick blackcap basslet

    I've had this basslet for 2 weeks. He was very healthy when added to the tank, then was fiercely picked on by a 6-line wrasse, just fin damage. The wrasse was removed, the basslet had been healing great although it looked like he may have had a couple spots of ich perhaps due to the stress...
  14. yeldarbj

    75 Gallon Stock List

    I was going to say put the 6-line in last, if at all. I just had to remove mine because of aggression toward new additions.
  15. yeldarbj

    Blackcap basslet acting very strange when goby cleans him

    I've seen a much larger fish, grouper open it's mouth and flare out it's gills so that a cleaner wrasse could freely swim in and out cleaning as it went. I think it is the basslet's signal that it is okay to clean him.
  16. yeldarbj

    Pistol shrimp kicked watchman goby out

    I added a new pistol shrimp and yellow watchman goby a week ago. After a couple of days, they found each other and paired up, sharing a hole under a rock for several days. Two days ago, it appears that the pistol shrimp kicked the goby out of the hole! The goby has been out ever since. I've...
  17. yeldarbj

    Watchman Goby / Pistol shrimp

    I just put a small candy stripe pistol in with a small yellow watchman. It took a couple of days and then they were pals, sharing a hole. The candy stripe has about the same coloring as a red coral banded shrimp. They make a very nice combination.
  18. yeldarbj

    Who has Blackcap Basslets?

    You are lucky. I really liked my sixline but couldn't risk it any longer, plus I didn't want to have the same trouble with any other new additions. Did you have your sixline in the tank first or was it a later addition? I was thinking that may have contributed to my problem, the sixline was...
  19. yeldarbj

    Who has Blackcap Basslets?

    I just got a blackcap basslet last week. It is an absolutely beautiful fish. It was roughed up a bit by a six-line wrasse. I thought it would hold it's own a bit better but appears to be very passive. I've since removed the wrasse. The basslet remains skittish but is starting to come out a...