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  1. madi-poo

    What question are you getting tired of seeing that is asked and answered frequently

    Wow, this tread is unbelievable! I don’t understand why asking questions would be problematic, isn’t this what it’s all about? The fact that people are feeling comfortable enough to ask questions should be seen as something positive, not negative. I’m assuming they only want to do what’s right...
  2. madi-poo

    bristle worms

    Hi Nano Guy, I had several bristol worms in my 15 gallon and tried the panty hose trick but it didn't work for me. The one thing that did work was sucking them up with a turkey baster right after feeding time. However, I had so many that I decided to start over from scratch and got rid of...
  3. madi-poo

    Feel like posting - Put a Tank to the Name!

    jpa0741, you have a beautiful tank! (You all do by the way!) but I'm wondering about your gorgeous he eating ok and if yes, what do you feed him? He looks so healthy. How long have you had him? I'm thinking of getting one eventually but I hear they are difficult eaters. I wouldn't...
  4. madi-poo

    sea horses in a 12 gallon nano

    Originally Posted by Torno Wondefully put Poniegirl! I completely agree! I agree with you too alyssia. Brine shrimp is equivalent to eating celery everyday. I'd need to see a picture to tell if your horse is malnourished or not. If its taking frozen brine, why not start giving it frozen mysis...
  5. madi-poo

    sea horses in a 12 gallon nano

    Originally Posted by alyssia I was asking b/c brine has no nutritional value. I just recently started to soak the frozen brine shrimp in "Reef Plus" by Seachem. It is primarily used to promote coral growth however, you can also use it to provide additional nutrients for your fish. There has to...
  6. madi-poo

    sea horses in a 12 gallon nano

    I've had a seahorse for over a year now. She was first in a 10 gallon and now she's in a 15 gallon. I feed her frozen brine shrimp with a turkey baster and it works great! It is so easy to feed her with it! I just recently started doing it and she caught on really quickly. We both love it!!
  7. madi-poo

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    I've read all 258 replies to this question and not only did I learn a few things, I also agree with the information provided. I've had a saltwater aquarium for over a year now and the things I would change, if I could, is finding a reputable store who isn't in it for the $$$. I know it's hard to...
  8. madi-poo

    My New Tank!!!

    Great job. Luved the video! I wish I had the space for a tank that size!! I'm very impressed :)