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  1. deadeye

    How do you design a tank to house and octopus?

    Well, at my LFS they have one and I asked what would be a good tank. She said a eclipse becuase of the tops on them. But I'd still set some bricks on top, tape it down, little gaffer tape, duct tape, 50lb weight
  2. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    Well, the chiller was actually 299.99 so I want to avoid needing to buy a chiller. Anyone got any comments on what I am looking at: Either Current USA outer orbit 2x150 HQI, 4 T5's. 16 lunar lights or Tek T5 fixture, 6 T5 bulbs. I am leaning toward the current USA one again, since it's got the...
  3. deadeye

    Metal halide flickering off?

    I don't know, but do you think it would be safe to hook a uninteruptable power supply (UPS) up to the lights? This would kick on if you had voltage brown outs. I was considering it for when I get lights. Maybe the lights are to much for a UPS to handle though.
  4. deadeye


    Originally Posted by fanker the thing that made me go with t-5s is that, there the closest thing u can get to mh and the par of sertain fictures has more than mh. but mh runs hot, and must be kept 6-8" from the tank with a fan blowing so that the heat isnt directed in ur tank, also thats alot of...
  5. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    Originally Posted by sign guy ask franker he is a tek fan I think make shure you top off with fw Hope he replys to this thread, if the tek 6 bulb T5s would allow me to do any giant clam/coral/anenome I want then they sound better, less heat, more efficient, etc. I just want to know if they...
  6. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    No, I was going to take the glass tops off. Then Use the docking legs so the light is going directly into the water. I saw a chiller for $199.99 that looked good... I am thinking that I might be able to get away with not needing one though. Like if I can put the HQI's on for a certain amount...
  7. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    Well the fixture has a fan in it. If the tank gets to hot I will buy a chiller. I am hoping that I can have the metal halides on for a certain amount of time then leave the T5s on longer, to balance out the temp. maybe? I will take off my glass tops of course so the there is nothing over the...
  8. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    Ah, thanks, I removed the link and posted what it was. Have you run into issues with them? I want something that will last me a very long time and do well. This would get me more then 15 watts a gallon.
  9. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    Originally Posted by sign guy sorry to hear No worries, I think I found my next toy edit: outer orbit fixture 2 HQI's, 4 T5's, 16 lunar lights.
  10. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    Thanks, I think I got my answer from and I think I'll stick with the 30 gallon for now until I can get a house or bottom floor apartment.
  11. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    I'd like to do a 80 gallon also, but I live on a second story apartment. What do you guys think? Would it fall through the floor?
  12. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    I want to do more than just a pendant. Coral life I hear is good, but it seems like I'd get more for my buck with Current USA.
  13. deadeye

    Help me decide on Lighting

    Hello, my name is Patrick and I am new to keeping saltwater fish tanks. I started with a 24 gallon nano-cube and have seahorses in it and have been successful so far. I just set up a 30 gallon salt tank and I have been looking at lighting fixtures for it. Right now i have 2x65 watt power...