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  1. florida

    deal or not

    it comes with pc lights or vho(not sure wich to get the pc are higher watts) it comes with a wet dry, and a skimmer, a power head, heater, temp reader is it good oh it come with stand lights are 4 months old as is the tank
  2. florida

    help a noob

    humm my buddie offerd me his 40 gallon for 400 bucks it comes with pc lights or vho it comes with a wet dry and a skimmer a power head heater temp reader is it good oh it come with stand too
  3. florida

    help a noob

    hey i want to star a nano tank since i want to get exprinace and have a nice desk pice as well (and i dont have money for a big tank atm) so i was wondering how much money do i need to start a nano tank my lfs dosent carrie any so im lost any help would be vary nice thx in advanced florida
  4. florida

    deal or not

    lol thats all i got umm im gessing its good since he works at a lfs hese been in the hobby for about 7 years now just now he got a 300 gallon tank thats why he geting rid of his 40 gallon its a protine skimmer
  5. florida

    deal or not

    ok so a buddy of mine wants to sell me his 40 gallon tank for 400 dollors it comes with the tank stand wet dry heater skimmer and pc lights is it a good deal or not?
  6. florida

    Baffle help

    teresa check ur e-mail umm i like the first desine as i cant understand the second
  7. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    any one??
  8. florida

    Buying a Lobster from Wal-Mart.

    lol try geting fresh crab head over to the docks (if u live close to a bay) they m8t sell u some live ones
  9. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    after some reading i need main tank (dont know size yet as i dont know prices) sump protin skimmer 2lb per gallon of live rock mh lights ro live sand how do i step up a sump iv looked but cant find any thing umm did i miss someting on the list above?
  10. florida

    how long should a tank take to cycle

    shops say 4 weeks pepole i know leave then for 8-12 weeks
  11. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    it would make things alot nicer so im gess yes btw whats a canopy for?
  12. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    ya i want to get the true clown fish the ones with the fat black lines (like the one in nemo but with the bigger lines) w8t a male will change ---???? umm if puting 1 fish in a tank by itslef wont it get teritorial? umm i plan on cycling the tank for 8 weeks or 2 months before i get any fish
  13. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    any good website that sell tank so i can see prices what other equpitment do i need
  14. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    thx guys for the help i v been on othre forums but no one is ever on takes days just to get 1 reply im gessing im staying hear for a wile
  15. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    i live in miami so angel and coral no go so i gess im staying with coral umm how much do $ tanks range im thinkin of geting a 50 g or more from what i have read i need a protin skimmer and mh lights for coral and uv light (dont know why) umm 2 lb per gallon of live rock so i need tank $...
  16. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    oh ya i know im far away from buying fish im doing my home work now im plaing on sarting it next year around late may eairly june ( need to save up funds) umm ok a male and a female clown it is i gess thx for the link reading it as we speke im kinda thinking of doing a reef tank with fish maby...
  17. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    i could get a 50 gallon tank(not too sure) with filter and evry thing for about 400 dollors good buy or not its 2ed hand its from a buddy(who got me into this hobby) of mine that just got a big in wall tank
  18. florida

    help geting into the hobby

    ok so iv always liked fish umm i want to start a salt water tank (dont know size yet any sudgestions?) i wanted to know how much money im looking and what do i need ( so i can make a shopping list) im thinking of kepping a anemone and about 7-8 clown fish maby some 2-3 angel fish and alot of...