help geting into the hobby


New Member
ok so iv always liked fish umm i want to start a salt water tank (dont know size yet any sudgestions?) i wanted to know how much money im looking and what do i need ( so i can make a shopping list) im thinking of kepping a anemone and about 7-8 clown fish maby some 2-3 angel fish and alot of coral i have a big space ready for it so space is not a issue


New Member
i could get a 50 gallon tank(not too sure) with filter and evry thing for about 400 dollors good buy or not its 2ed hand
its from a buddy(who got me into this hobby) of mine that just got a big in wall tank


Originally Posted by florida
i could get a 50 gallon tank(not too sure) with filter and evry thing for about 400 dollors good buy or not its 2ed hand
its from a buddy(who got me into this hobby) of mine that just got a big in wall tank
Ok, first Welcome to!!!!!
Next, A 50 gallon could certainly house a pair of clown's, you can do anemones with proper lighting. As far as many clowns go, that would not be such a good idea. A pair of them would work well and you could get some other cool fish. Clowns don't like each other very much and are best left in pairs or they will fight. First things first. You are a long way off from actually buying fish. Rule number one in this hoby, ..... be patient. The 50 would be a good size. Bigger is better with salt. If you have the space and the funds, go for something bigger. Anything you want to know, just ask. Take things one step at a time. If you are unsure about anything at all, just post it.


New Member
oh ya i know im far away from buying fish im doing my home work now im plaing on sarting it next year around late may eairly june ( need to save up funds) umm ok a male and a female clown it is i gess thx for the link reading it as we speke im kinda thinking of doing a reef tank with fish maby some sea horeses(any problum i always see them in a sepret tank for some reson) umm i gessing my buddy equpitment is good since he works at a aqruim shop and that was his old tank until he switch to a vary big tank got to ask him what lights he has (has to w8t till i see him on monday) im thinking about puting it accross a wall i have about 10 feet long wall to work with


Active Member
Hi and Welcome. Where in Fla are you? A 50 is a good size to start with, but bigger is better. I started with a 55gal, now almost 2 yr later I am going 150gal.
Seahorses should be kept in thier own tank. They are slow feeders and other fish tend to pick on them or steal thier food. I have a 37 gal that is horse only tank. Well there are a few peaceful fish you can keep with them, but not many.
Also keep in mind that some angels pick on corals. They are not considered reef safe


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Hi and Welcome. Where in Fla are you? A 50 is a good size to start with, but bigger is better. I started with a 55gal, now almost 2 yr later I am going 150gal.
Seahorses should be kept in thier own tank. They are slow feeders and other fish tend to pick on them or steal thier food. I have a 37 gal that is horse only tank. Well there are a few peaceful fish you can keep with them, but not many.
Also keep in mind that some angels pick on corals. They are not considered reef safe
When in doubt, post, we will all be more than happy to help you along the way!!!


New Member
i live in miami so angel and coral no go so i gess im staying with coral
umm how much do $ tanks range im thinkin of geting a 50 g or more from what i have read i need a protin skimmer and mh lights for coral and uv light (dont know why) umm 2 lb per gallon of live rock
so i need
tank $??
protine skimmer $??
live rock $5 bucks a lb (i read it some where)
mh $?? (can't be cheap)


New Member
thx guys for the help i v been on othre forums but no one is ever on takes days just to get 1 reply im gessing im staying hear for a wile


Active Member
Welcome Florida

I you want a pair of clowns you will most likely get 2 males and one will change to female. Make sure the pair is the same species (percula, maroon etc.) otherwise they will fight until one dies most likely. If you plan on starting a tank and getting fish in May or June might I suggest an April timeframe to have the tank setup with sand and live rock then let it cycle for a month or so before you get your fish. That way you can get your first fish in May or June. Make sure you buy just one at a time and a few weeks in between so the tank can adjust. You probably should budget for a Quarantine tank also to keep the new fish in for a few weeks, but it should not cost to much for that. the biggest thing that would be helpfull to you is have lots of patience and research ALOT over the next several months and you will find out all this stuff i mentioned. Also listen closely to these people on this board since they all have SW tanks and have been through the ropes. They are good people and you will find there is a lot of knowledge from them and the archives of this site....


Active Member
Most eveyone here is very nice and willing to help, but you also need to research a lot. Read Read Read.

depends on what you want and the type of stand you want. Check the classifieds here, and price them at your lfs (local fish store). and on line. I just bought an unfinished canopy on line foe 195.00--lfs wanted almost 500.00
Skimmer --- for a 50 or 55 gal tank i would sugest an aqua remora pro. very easy to use. Check classifieds for used one or on line. much cheaper then lfs.
Live rock-- yup its expensive. check on line. They sell it here pretty reasonable. also check into buying 1/2 base rock. It will turn live after a while.
Lighting---Will depend on what type of coral you want to keep. if you are keeping softies (mushrooms, zoos, leathers) then you could get away with pc lighting. I use a sattelite unit that is 265 wtts on a 55 gal and have had great luck with it.
If you want more hard corals and anemone then you will need MH.
If you use a wooden canopy, make sure it is at least 12 inches tall.
Give me an e-mail m0m24 at earthlink dot net


New Member
ya i want to get the true clown fish the ones with the fat black lines (like the one in nemo but with the bigger lines) w8t a male will change ---???? umm if puting 1 fish in a tank by itslef wont it get teritorial? umm i plan on cycling the tank for 8 weeks or 2 months before i get any fish


Active Member
see my post above, i add more.
also dont forget to add powerheads to your shopping list. you will need at least two.
are you going to have a sump??


Active Member
When you do your research on the clownfish you will find out about all that, very interesting species imo.
Research is about half the work and half the fun. You will have more fun setting it all up.....
welcome to the party


New Member
after some reading i need
main tank (dont know size yet as i dont know prices)
protin skimmer
2lb per gallon of live rock
mh lights
live sand
how do i step up a sump iv looked but cant find any thing umm did i miss someting on the list above?