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  1. aquarius

    beer pong anyone?

    Here's mine....I worked for a graphic design company in high school and one week the CEO went on vacation so me and my boss had a little fun with the million dollar printer!!! It's fully portable, about 6 and half feet. (O, and I was dressed for a redneck party so don't judge!)
  2. aquarius

    Relentless Percs

    I introduced a pair of false percs (Brady and Moss) into my 20G in December and since then they have gotten along perfectly fine. Just this weekend, the female (Brady) flipped a switch and has been relentless on the smaller male (Moss). For the past two days she has not left him alone, chasing...
  3. aquarius

    Absolutely Perfect Clown Tang

    Asking once again if anyone's interested in my Clown Tang. You won't find a healthier, better looking clown tang anywhere!
  4. aquarius

    Absolutely Perfect Clown Tang

    5-6"...I can get you pics upon request...
  5. aquarius

    Absolutely Perfect Clown Tang

    I have a absolutely gorgeous Clown Tang, healthy as a horse, that has just grown to big for my tank. He's starting to get pretty fiesty with the tankmates and it's to the point that I have to take him out. I don't have room in my other tanks so is there anyone out there who'd want him. He's...
  6. aquarius

    Disease Mystery...HLLE, Bacteria?

    Would it be difficult to put in livesand with the tank filled? Doesn't it get stirred up frequently? I don't want to sufficate my fish!
  7. aquarius

    Disease Mystery...HLLE, Bacteria?

    So you're saying that I don't need an external filter? Live rock and proper flow would be sufficient?
  8. aquarius

    Disease Mystery...HLLE, Bacteria?

    Yes I do. Not nearly enough though. What would you recommend for proper filtration?
  9. aquarius

    Disease Mystery...HLLE, Bacteria?

    Do you think the filtration system is insufficient?
  10. aquarius

    Disease Mystery...HLLE, Bacteria?

    Crushed coral substrate. As far as the element of overcrowding, I do agree with you however I still don't understand why it's only this tank. The other two tanks would most likely qualify as overcrowded as well, however the fish in them are absolutley fine. Most of them have been in their...
  11. aquarius

    Disease Mystery...HLLE, Bacteria?

    I've been keeping fish saltwater fish for 6 years and my latest disease bout has me completely perplexed. I have a 75 gallon FOWLR tank with a Juv. Koran Angel, a Powder Blue Tang, a Foxface, a Sohal Tang and a a pair of Percs. I know this is a very heavy load for the tank, but I had to rescue...
  12. aquarius

    Lymphocytis or Flukes?

    I have a new Koran Angel in quarantine along with a Flame Angel, Foxface, Neon Goby, and a Niger Trigger. The fish have been in quarantine for almost two weeks now and I've noticed white postules forming on my Koran angel. The spots are too big to be ick (I've seen it many times before!) but...
  13. aquarius

    Coming out of QT - Should I dip?

    I have several fish that will be coming out of QT in the next few weeks. (Koran Angel, Flame Angel, Niger Trigger, Foxface) I've heard that methlelyne blue dips would not be a bad idea to do before placing the fish in the show tank? Do you recommend it or do you think that it will add unneeded...
  14. aquarius

    Two Convicts in a 150?

    Can you put two convict tangs together in 150 gallon tank? They are a schooling fish in the wild so I didn't know if they could be kept as a pair in a tank. Any other info. you have on convicts would be great (experiences, etc.)
  15. aquarius

    What's your take on quarantining new fish?

    Some people say quarantine all new fish while still others quarantine select species and still others don't quarantine at all. I personally have never quarantined a new fish but I'm wondering if I should. I understand the benefits of doing such and I agree with the disease prevention benefits...
  16. aquarius

    Hippo Tang Size

    I heard all kinds of different things about fish sizes as it relates to their survival in the aquarium but I want to know if its true. Would a quarter size hippo tang have a poorer survival rate as oppossed to a 2.5-3.5 inch hippo. I want to put one in my tank but I'm not sure what size to...
  17. aquarius

    Hippo Tang and Orange-Shoulder

    I have a 75 gallon f/o tank currently housing a juvenile Orange-Shoulder Tang and a Coral Beauty. I've read up on keeping multiple tangs in small tanks and have heard people burn other people for doing it but I'm set on the idea and I think that I'm experienced enough to do it. My dad has done...
  18. aquarius

    clowntrigger not looking good, need help quick

    I have a blind clown trigger too as of right now. He somehow lost his vision in my uncles 150 and now he's sitting in a 40. He constantly bumps into objects like the heater and coral, and he never eats. His color is starting to fade and I guess it doesn't look good.
  19. aquarius

    Tang Decision

    I'm planning on adding a second tang to my 75 gallon f/o set up. I run a fluval 303 canister for filtration along with a protein skimmer and a powerhead for extra circualtion. I currently have a coral beauty, a juvenile orange-shoulder tang, and a small picasso triggerfish. Please do not tell...
  20. aquarius


    Anybody ever ordered from here? How is the service? Do they have good quality fish? Is it a trustworthy company?