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  1. avacyn

    Overstocked, Under filtered 55?

    Putting in a second salt water tank after the holiday spending season is over. It will be a 55 gal. I would love info on a fuge at Avacyn
  2. avacyn

    apstasia fear

    Some people seem to have some success with boiling water injections, but most folks find those are hard to do correctly. Do 'em wrong and you only aggravate the little suckers! Peppermint shrimp (not to be confused with camel shrimp) will eat them up. They are the safest way to remove...
  3. avacyn


    I have an anenome that has been sick for over a month. Wouldn't eat, color bad,shedding pieces of dead skin etc. Last week I started adding a supplement to the tank that adds trace elements and vitamins. This morning he was opened up and took some flake along with the fish. I'm not sure what...
  4. avacyn

    I'm going to give her such a pinch....

    My maroon clown harassed a curlique anenome until it moved to a different rock. Some clowns are very territorial and picky about who's in "their" space. Avacyn
  5. avacyn

    Baby Starfish

    There is a kind of brittle starfish that only grows about about an 1 in diameter as an adult. They are sand sifters and very beneficial to your tank, although you may never see them. I believe they are whitish in color. If anyone has any and would like to mail me some, (or is close enough in...
  6. avacyn

    Inverts, Corals, & Fish

    My 30 gal has 8 turbos, a brittle star, a snail that just appeared one day that I haven't identified, and 10 or 11 or 12 blue legged hermit crabs. (I originally put in 10 but counted more the other day. I think I've got a hermit crab population growth.) I believe I have too many hermits. A...
  7. avacyn

    serpent star

    Serpent stars are more aggressive than brittle stars and have been guilty of taking out the occasional small fish or critter. Brittle stars are generally not aggressive and will eat scraps. You can throw the occasionally bit of brine shrimp or small bits of whatever their way, but you don't...
  8. avacyn

    maroon clown

    I got a 55 gal today! Hurrah! It will take a good while before it is ready for fish, but when it is I plan to transfer my maroon clown from the 30 gal he's (she's?) in to the new tank. My question: if I get a second maroon and introduce them to the new tank on the same day will they still...
  9. avacyn


    General rule: don't keep seahorses, particularily if you don't know anything else about them. Do your homework. They are hard to keep and not for the beginner. No species is more hardy than the other, as a general rule. They need tanks with no aggressive tank mates, perfect water...
  10. avacyn

    Feather dusters shut

    Try moving them to a place in the tank where they are recieving more current. Feather dusters actually like a lot of current. Also have you added any new fish lately? One of my feather dusters was being harrassed by a new marroon clown I added a couple of months ago. Dancer (the clown)...
  11. avacyn

    Mandarin Dragonets, would one do a lot of damage?

    A formula taught to me by someone who has a lot of luck with her mandarins. Don't put one in a tank that is less than a year old. Also you should have 4 square feet of live rock for every dragonet in your tank. Remember a lot every fish, especially damsels, will also be eating your copes, so...
  12. avacyn

    Hand caught or tank raised?

    Hand caught fish are depleting Hawaii's coral reefs, especially in the beautiful tourquoise waters off the Kona shore. I've seen an estimate as high as 10 dead fish for every one that makes it home from the fish store. Yellow tang are becoming scarce in the wild in some places. Tank raised...
  13. avacyn

    missing feather dusters

    Most angels will eat little feather dusters. Do you have any shrimp? Peppermint shrimp are known to eat them too. Avacyn
  14. avacyn

    what do you feed your fish?

    I have damsels, a marroon clown and scooter blennies (plus a couple of anenomes, a Hawaiian brittle star, lots of hermit crabs, a peppermint shrimp and 2 beautiful feather dusters.) The tank gets frozen brine shrimp and flakes daily. They get dried plankton occasionally (maybe twice a week)...
  15. avacyn

    mystery solved

    My anenome turned out to be a flower anenome. Does anyone know how they reproduce? thanks avacyn
  16. avacyn

    Hungry Feather Dusters

    What are you feeding the rest of your tank? Feather dusters are filter feeders and will take anything out of the water that is edible. I've had mine since the tank cycled. I feed the entire tank *very* small amounts of food 3 times a day (2 feedings of brine shrimp, one feeding of flakes)...
  17. avacyn

    anenome identification

    I'm confused about what kind of anenome I have. I've had him for about 4 months and he seems to be doing well and growing, so I'm doing something right, but would like to know what he is. He was sold as a "rock anenome" but I've seen a lot of different pictures that of rock anenomes and none...
  18. avacyn

    serpant star vs goby

    A friend with a 100 gal tank watched one of her serpant stars grab a seahorse and try to drag him under a rock. She had found the body of a dead perc being eaten by her serpant ealier but wasn't sure if he attacked the fish or not. Apparently some serpant stars can become predators. Avacyn...
  19. avacyn

    Brittle Star ID & Emerald Crab Question.

    Sounds like a Hawaiian (black) brittle star. They range in colour from dark brown to black. They are found in waters mainly off the Big Island, but also some of the smaller islands where the sand and coral beds are black due the presense of lava. I used to spend a lot of time tide pooling in...
  20. avacyn

    Feeding Sea Anenomes

    I have a maroon clown and condy. The maroon ignores the condy entirely. Avacyn <STRONG>which clown will live with a condy anemone? I have a perc clown and a condy which ignore each other..</STRONG>