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  1. outlaw60

    are xmas wrasses safe?

    I have the same "christmas wrasse " in the pic. Invert safe after a year in the tank. Pod hunter and bristleworm hunter master though......
  2. outlaw60

    How long have you had your fighting conch?

    I have 2 that have been my tank for 3 years, 3 inch sand bed so I don't see them too often...
  3. outlaw60

    Tobins last pics

    Thanks for sharing the big picture, all of us will be more than willing to help, rest in peace Tobin
  4. outlaw60

    cool email i got

    LMAO, that is good
  5. outlaw60

    Any one selling in colorado area

    check out go to local clubs and look up the colorado sites, lots of members in the area
  6. outlaw60

    tek t5

    yes, get good bulbs like any of the ati series. The ati blue+ make my sps grow like crazy...hth
  7. outlaw60

    How to do a proper water change, by reefkprZ

    nice read, thats how I do it, except I mix my water a day or 2 in advance.......great info
  8. outlaw60

    just added

    very nice flower pot, looks happy, great color!
  9. outlaw60

    website critique please...

    nice site, clean layout
  10. outlaw60

    what are the best return pumps?

    Eheim, quiet, low power consumption, darn near bulletproof
  11. outlaw60

    yellow/blue assesors

    I have a yellow, he is in with a clown fairy wrasse, bi-color angel, green chromis and a yellow watchman and a Very large coral banded shrimp. no problems yet, been about 2 years so I don't expect any. don't know the cost now, I think I paid about $20 for mine, I see them locally from time to...
  12. outlaw60

    Euro Reef RS-80 vs RS 100 vs Aqua C

    Check the DAS skimmers, liscened by Deltec, one of the best out there. Mine is awesome, 1/2" of skimmate a day. Google them
  13. outlaw60

    Can a fish be too fat? (see pic)

    lol, Check the chleosteral(sp). treadmill? my Pink Tail was like that, more pics please
  14. outlaw60

    Do you dip corals

    Originally Posted by TX Reef I always dip new corals in an iodine solution. I don't care where they came from...I do not want any pests in my tank...... same here, better safe than sorry!
  15. outlaw60

    Phosguard..anyone use this?

    I use it 24/7, but I tend to overfeed. I use a two little fishes reactor. Works as advertised! :thinking: it helped in getting of my diatoms due the overfeeding issues, lol
  16. outlaw60

    Bluehead Wrasse

    my clown fairy wrasse played dead for 6 hours, breathing normal, etc, 4 years later he is doing well, good luck
  17. outlaw60

    Foxface Rabbitfish question

    Very normal, chamealeon like when frightened, hth
  18. outlaw60

    Help naming puppy

    misha, I have always liked that name, if I remember it was the name of one of a Russian czar's daughter
  19. outlaw60

    what t5 bulbs

    you have e-mail, hth