Search results

  1. psibabi21

    aptasia problem

    Aptasias are similar to a dandylion...they look cool...except if you see too many of them...they grow like weeds...and will kill your grass. Aptasias can sting and kill some corals, and are just more of a neusance for reef tanks than anything. If you have an all fish tank, and like the way they...
  2. psibabi21

    Tanks W/O Sumps

    Just re-setup this tank in my new house...very few fish right's only been here for about 2 months..I run a carbon filter & nothing more other than chemicals and supplements...Deepsandbed & LR is what takes care of the rest...right now because I just set it back up there is some nasty...
  3. psibabi21

    Hiding Blue Tang???

    They are very timid fish when it comes to new will probobly hardly ever see him up close for the first few weeks...then he'll warm up to you...alot of younger hippos are also very timid/skiddish.
  4. psibabi21

    humane way to kill fish

    Death is a part of life, clove oil to numb, freezer to let pass....just like we do to humans who are terminally ill. Heres some morphine, now were pulling the plug so you can go without pain.
  5. psibabi21

    55 Fo

    . It was a JOKE...atrim55 is my boyfriend...that tank is in OUR house...I have my own as well, we both have a competitive nature & enjoy harassing eachother...hence his response to me.
  6. psibabi21

    55 Fo

    :hilarious Originally Posted by TeresaQ PSIBabi21-WHY ARE YOU SO RUDE ATrim-your tank looks great-nice and clean Welcome to the boards Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  7. psibabi21

    55 Fo

    You're tank looks like crap with that redish colored rock...where did you pick that up your back yard? *****? That little clown should definatly get a new home...away from that clown trigger. Who taught you how to speak english by the way?
  8. psibabi21

    Possible black ich?

    Is it possible to control it or eliminate the black ich with water changes often and feeding the fish food to bring up their immune system?
  9. psibabi21

    Possible black ich?

    Ok i guess i will have to try and find some around here. But after the fish is rid of the black ich will it stay in the tank or come back after a period of time? Do you know what may have caused this? Thanks again
  10. psibabi21

    Possible black ich?

    Hi i currently dont have my own name on here yet just using my Gfs name. I have a 55 galon fish only tank, aqua clear 75 w/ built in skimmer and rio 1700 and a rio 600 for power head and a Uv twist sterelizer 9 watt. Water checks out ok 0 on all salinity is at 1.026 temp at around 77 I had...
  11. psibabi21

    Free Or Cheap

    Sorry to break it to you, but most people don't just GIVE things away.
  12. psibabi21

    WTB 24" Coralife Lunar Aqualight

  13. psibabi21

    29Gallon For Sale lots of extras

    Pictures of the light/price shippped to 60172?
  14. psibabi21

    29 Gallon stocked aquarium for SALE in Michigan!!

    How long is the light? How old are the bulbs/what type of bulbs? E/m me pics @ thanks!
  15. psibabi21

    29Gallon For Sale lots of extras

    How long is the light? How old is it? Can you post some pictures?
  16. psibabi21

    Items for sale

    This is the dual cord model with moon lights? Do you have the legs for the light? You said you have one working bulb? What type of bulb and does it come with it? Thanks
  17. psibabi21

    36" 480W Metal Halide Fixture & Ballast System

    Originally Posted by RoushRacer Yeah, I don't see how they could do that unless it's really BS. Just what they said, but I bet ya if I was to order rather than just inquire it would be something different... T5's are they way to go I hear, and I hope you find what you need! still...
  18. psibabi21

    Items for sale

    Do you still have the light? Very interested! :jumping:
  19. psibabi21

    WTB 24" Coralife Lunar Aqualight

    Yeah, unfortunatly thats what I currently have on the tank... Thanks anyways?? Anyone else?
  20. psibabi21

    WTB 24" Coralife Lunar Aqualight

    Ideally I'd like to get a double bulb light with moon lights...with multiple power cords so I can set it on a timer... As far as wattage, I need something that can atleast support corals.