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  1. g-force

    Freshwater and marine fish swimming together!

    Anyone heard of GEX magical water?
  2. g-force

    G-force's fish tank 2010
  3. g-force

    Stupid question.

    How long do you think you can keep a fish alive before being considered successful?
  4. g-force

    My Multibarred Angelfish

    I heard some success storys before but never seen this fish eat in front of my eyes.....until now.
  5. g-force

    How to bring the color back?

    Folks, I have been keeping my queen angelfish for years now and I tried the best I could to keep the blue color. I won't say it is completely yellow, but she is not as blue as she once was. I tried to feed her with Ocean Nutrition Spirulina Formula and Cyclop-eeze once a week. There are small...
  6. g-force

    My FOT from Regal to Passer

    Why just keep one angel in a tank? My 4 year old tank.
  7. g-force

    What is happening to my blue angel?

    Seems like the whitish area has grown alittle bigger for the past 2 weeks. Does anyone know what kind of disease (or is it?) the blue angelfish is suffering from? It eats and behave normally otherwise. How to cure it? Thanks.... ph=8.0-8.1, Temp = 77F, SG = 1.020, No3= 0-5ppm PO4 = 0.25mg/L The...
  8. g-force

    What is happening to my blue angel?

    Here is the picture....
  9. g-force

    What is happening to my blue angel?

    Seems like the whitish area has grown alittle bigger for the past 2 weeks. Does anyone know what kind of disease (or is it?) the blue angelfish is suffering from? It eats and behave normally otherwise. How to cure it? Thanks....
  10. g-force

    What is the name of this fish?

    Does anyone know the name of this fish? I searched the net but can't find her identity. She looks like a dottyback though...
  11. g-force

    my fish got a lumb/pimple..what is it?

    Not sure if you can see the little lumb on the head, it is not white patch. just a lumb on the head. I saw the fish scratched it against a rock earlier. How can I cure it? Thanks very much.
  12. g-force

    Schuran Jetskim 120

    Does anyone have experience using this skimmer? I bought mine 3 weeks ago and there is no foamy mass what so ever. I used to have a Red Sea Prizm Pro Deluxe and it was perfectly ok. Can anyone tell me what's going on with this skimmer? I am using Aqua Bee 2000/I :help: Thanks all G-force
  13. g-force

    What happened to my Rock Beauty?

    My little rock beaty was infected by Ich last week. Now the Ich problem is gone, but it has a little decolored area on its body. Can anyone tell me what it is and how to get rid of it? Thanks :help: