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  1. alfieferenzo84

    algae problem

    Oh if you look thou pics before led it was like a reddish algae now it's brown n green if that means anything
  2. alfieferenzo84

    algae problem

    Okay so is there anyway to get a true reading. Funny corals n everything look great but I see your point. What would cause so much nitrate n po4? I use ro/di 120gal how much or often do you suggest? As for sand I have been removing top layer with wc. Other then that got a few snails, starfish...
  3. alfieferenzo84

    algae problem

    Nitrates and phosphate test zero with 3 different kits that I bought 2 days ago Salifert API Red Sea Are you saying its false reading? A few other sources are saying its Dinoflagella and if that's true I guess from what I'm reading it dont feed from water and grows best in new/ clean water...
  4. alfieferenzo84

    algae problem

    how will i see my fish then lol? Really what do you all run your lights for then? I thought 8-12 is normal???
  5. alfieferenzo84

    algae problem

    Hi everyone. Been along time sense last post. I have been doing this for years but only kept fish only. I just started adding corals and im having issues with algae. I have always had algae due to high nitrates but now its different. I have been keeping my tank at zero nitrates and the algae is...
  6. alfieferenzo84

    Starfish good or bad?

    Quote: Originally Posted by forcrz6 OMG Their bad. Give them to me!!! Nice catch there. lol thanks
  7. alfieferenzo84

    120 gallon 48x24x24 power heads

    Just spend 200 bucks on live sand not a choice...
  8. alfieferenzo84

    120 gallon 48x24x24 power heads

    I have 3x koralia 4 1200gph ea 2x koralia 750 750gph ea my tank is 120gal 48x24x24 and im having a hard time getting the correct flow With 2 koralia 4 the sand blows everywhere but with the 750 it dont seem enough, I have a find sand 2in about 100lb of live rock 2 piles in ea corner Any...
  9. alfieferenzo84

    Starfish good or bad?

    Okay thanks just thought they might be bad as there is so many and ive never seen these before in the 13 yrs Thanks!!!
  10. alfieferenzo84

    Starfish good or bad?

    I got a rock with about 5-15 of these star fish in it and i want to know if there bad or okay? There about 1/2- 2in in size appear to be grayish with red strips below is a pic, Please let me know if there bad and if they eat corals as there mainly on the star polpys rock.
  11. alfieferenzo84

    Green Bubble Tip Anemone Help

    I got 1 about 2 mo ago and sense day 1 its always on the move it will stay put for a few days then move. It was eatting and looking good then it like deflated and lost color and i think feel off the glass and now is behind my rocks about 2inch from the sand sticking to the glass but looks dead...
  12. alfieferenzo84

    Test Kit Problems, Reviews, Results

    okay here is something to think about... Windex has ammonia in it right. So i did the 3 ammonia test again then after adding the drops i spayed a little windex in the tube. The api kit still went to .25 The red sea still the same thing 0 then .25 after 15 min Now the salfert test was at <.25...
  13. alfieferenzo84

    Test Kit Problems, Reviews, Results

    if ro/di water shows ammonia then it has to be the kit. The tank is 6 mo or older but i did loose a few fish for no reason last week? It has over 100lb of live rock, 2 in sand, skimmer, 2 power heads, crabs, snails, starfish, shrimp, 6 corals zoos that are doing great. Im sure the tank is fine...
  14. alfieferenzo84

    Test Kit Problems, Reviews, Results

    Good question i dont see how when i only have 2 fish in a 72 gallon tank lol I trust the salfert for ammonia but not for nitrate. So in that case its zero. Come on ro/di water with zero tds will not have ammonia will it??? Quote: Originally Posted by Flower You are showing ammonia???? Unless...
  15. alfieferenzo84

    Test Kit Problems, Reviews, Results

    So i bought 3 different brands of most test. I am amazed at how different the results are from the same water at the same time. Tank water. Been up and running for 6 mo. Just did a 30% water change 3 days ago. Ph Api- 8.3, Red sea- 8.2 Alk only red sea test in middle 1.7-2.8? Nitrite - Api...
  16. alfieferenzo84

    72 Gallon Bow Front Stocking list

    Looking for thoughts or advice on stocking my 72 gallon I have 2 A. Ocellaris Clowns 1 Yellow clown goby I want the below for sure Diamond Goby Golden Headed Sleeper Goby Midas Blenny Lawn mower Blenny And id like some other fish but not sure below is a list of fish i am thinking about... Other...
  17. alfieferenzo84

    What Went Wrong???

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Salifert test kits are great for all test EXCEPT nitrates. why is that???
  18. alfieferenzo84

    What Went Wrong???

    Bought a Salifert test kits for ammonia and nitrates and i got <.25 for amno guessing that zero its the lowest one. For nitrates i got 25ppm I used a volt meter to test for voltage in water not sure how well that works did it for about 10 min gounding to a outlet. The 2 fish i got left are...
  19. alfieferenzo84

    What Went Wrong???

    Quote: Originally Posted by A&A2 I dunno but nitrates way to high in my opinion. yes and no but its fish only.
  20. alfieferenzo84

    What Went Wrong???

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko Isn't red gills a symptom of ammonia poisoning? Here any of these other things familiar.... Fish gasp for breath at the water surface Purple or red gills Fish is lethargic Loss of appetite Fish lays at the bottom of the tank Red streaking on the fins or...