Test Kit Problems, Reviews, Results

So i bought 3 different brands of most test. I am amazed at how different the results are from the same water at the same time. Tank water. Been up and running for 6 mo. Just did a 30% water change 3 days ago.
Ph Api- 8.3, Red sea- 8.2
Alk only red sea test in middle 1.7-2.8?
Nitrite - Api 0, Red Sea- 0.1, Salifert - 0
Ammonia- Api .25, Red sea 0 But after 15 min it was not readable like the directions tell you to wait. Salifert- <.25 lowest
Nitrate - Api 5, Red Sea 2.5, Salifert 25
So then i took a gallon of fresh ro/di water mixed half cup of salt 1.023 and redid the test and below is what i got.
Ph Api- 8.2, Red sea- 8.2
Alk 1.7-2.8 Middle again
Nitrite - Api 0, Red Sea- 0.1, Salifert - 0
Ammonia- Api .25, Red sea 0 But after 15 min it was .25 this time.... Salifert- <.25 lowest
Nitrate - Api 0, Red Sea 0, Salifert 10
My ro/di unit claims to be putting zero tds out, I just changed all the filters last week. ALL OF THEM.
I use instant ocean salt and just bought 4 bags last week so its not old or anything if it even goes bad?
Now to really throw you off i did a ammonia and Nitrite test with just ro/di water not sure if there correct without salt but i got the below readings
Ammonia- Api 0, Red sea 0 But after 15 min it was .25 this time.... Salifert- <.25 lowest
Nitrite - Api 0, Red Sea- 0.1, Salifert - 0 Same as before.
Nitrate - Api 0, Red Sea 0, Salifert 10
So you can see there is a little difference in the test. What do you all think? What test kits do you use? Id like to know what my water really is not a guess...


Well-Known Member

You are showing ammonia????
Unless you just like playing with the lab kits, an expensive hobby all on it's own...Pick one you trust and use it. Red sea has a bad rep. I use API and Salfert. The easiest to read I ever found was the Instant ocean master kit.
Good question i dont see how when i only have 2 fish in a 72 gallon tank lol
I trust the salfert for ammonia but not for nitrate. So in that case its zero. Come on ro/di water with zero tds will not have ammonia will it???
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/385294/test-kit-problems-reviews-results#post_3378273

You are showing ammonia????
Unless you just like playing with the lab kits, an expensive hobby all on it's own...Pick one you trust and use it. Red sea has a bad rep. I use API and Salfert. The easiest to read I ever found was the Instant ocean master kit.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by alfieferenzo84 http:///forum/thread/385294/test-kit-problems-reviews-results#post_3378275
Good question i dont see how when i only have 2 fish in a 72 gallon tank lol
I trust the salfert for ammonia but not for nitrate. So in that case its zero. Come on ro/di water with zero tds will not have ammonia will it???

You should not have any ammonia..period. No nitrites and in a perfect world no nitrates showing either.
Do you have live rock? How much?
Live sand?
Are you sure the tank has cycled??
if ro/di water shows ammonia then it has to be the kit.
The tank is 6 mo or older but i did loose a few fish for no reason last week?
It has over 100lb of live rock, 2 in sand, skimmer, 2 power heads, crabs, snails, starfish, shrimp, 6 corals zoos that are doing great. Im sure the tank is fine
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/385294/test-kit-problems-reviews-results#post_3378277

You should not have any ammonia..period. No nitrites and in a perfect world no nitrates showing either.
Do you have live rock? How much?
Live sand?
Are you sure the tank has cycled??
okay here is something to think about...
Windex has ammonia in it right.
So i did the 3 ammonia test again then after adding the drops i spayed a little windex in the tube.
The api kit still went to .25
The red sea still the same thing 0 then .25 after 15 min
Now the salfert test was at <.25 lowest setting but as soon as i spayed a drop of windex into the tube if flew up to 1.0 yellow in color. I spayed a little more it went to orange 2.0 then i did more and it is not off the chart...
So windex is ammonia but yet the api and red sea test kit had no affect from it.
The salfert test kit went up when adding windex.
So you tell me but it looks like the api and red sea are junk.
Now if i could find a way to test the nitrate like this id be happy. But i did read the salfert nitrate test was no good. and api/red sea was better for nitrate?


Active Member
Red sea does have a bad rep and I dont use my kit other than to hold my other test kits up.
API is what I mainly use for all my tests.
I believe I have a seachem test as well. If thats the one with the yellow disks for ammonia, then thats the one. It is more of a mini chem test kit and I dont want to take all those steps.
Hardest part for it all for me is to see the color differences. I have to ask for my wife's opinion to see if we are seeing the same color.