Search results

  1. buckets

    having to breakdown tank

    :( I know this has probably been asked before but I was wondering how to preserve live rock? My situation is such that I immediately need to breakdown my 180 gal. tank due to a bad underground leak under my house which is pooling up next to and around my tank. Unfortunately, I need to move...
  2. buckets

    D.T.'s stinks bad!

    I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but last night I opened up a bottle of D.T.'s, which I purchased from a website and it stated to use before November 15th. Anyway, upon retrieving the bottle from my fridge and opening it, it smelled really fowl! The directions on the bottle stated...
  3. buckets

    What are these?

    I know this question has been covered before, but since I don't know what I have, I was unable to use the search forum. For the last few months I have noticed these little white things similar to a feather duster. They are white in color and grow like ivy around all of my lv. I have noticed...
  4. buckets

    tank (and me) recovering

    Thanks to all of you for your input on how to clean up my tank after my mass loss of fish. Well its been 24hrs. since I woke up and noticed the devistation. I have done a 40% water change and started using activated carbon filtering (GAC). I will do at least two more water changes of 20% &...
  5. buckets


    Boy did I learn the hard way!! I woke up this morning and found all of my fish dead, angels, tangs, clowns, puffer, damsels, and more. The only things still living are my two anemones and some cleaner shrimp. I made the mistake, even after reading other threads advising me not to, of putting...
  6. buckets

    heater placement

    dburr, Thanks, I will probably go with two 200W heaters. One in my sump and one in my tank. Thanks again, Bill
  7. buckets

    heater placement

    I have a 180gal tank with a sump measuring 36"L x 16"W x 18"H, and I was wondering where I should place my heater, either in my tank or in my sump? Also I read where it is smart to use two heaters in case one goes out. If so, do I place both heaters in my sump or tank, or one in the tank and...
  8. buckets

    clam placement

    I just purchased a 2.5" maxima ultra clam. My question is where should I place it? In my substrate (live sand) or up on some of my LR close to my lights? I have 400W VHO as well as 10K MH lighting so I think my lighting is suffiecient wherever I place it. But I thought I read somewhere that...
  9. buckets

    proper ph for corals

    I am somewhat new to this hobby but I am hooked ! My wife just bought me a calcium reactor which I installed about a week ago. My question is, What is a proper overall ph for corals, I have all kinds and since I installed my reactor my ph has been a constant 8.2 average. I read somewhere that...
  10. buckets

    advice needed on calcium reactor

    Thanks "surferboy", for the info. and the website, I'll check it out.
  11. buckets

    advice needed on calcium reactor

    I am thinking about purchasing a calcium reactor for my 180 gal. tank. The two brands that come up often in my research are the Precision Marine CR422 and the Advanced Reef K2R. I would appreciate any feedback on these two brands or any other info. concerning calcium reactors. Thanks, Buckets
  12. buckets


    I am considering buying a ph and salinity monitor. Am I better off just using my test kits or are there some good monitors out there? I have been looking at Pinpoint Monitors. Can anyone suggest if monitors are good and if so, some brand names. I have been looking at <a...
  13. buckets

    proper tank circulation

    I have a 180 gal. setup and I am going to buy a new pump (my present one is way too loud). Can anybody tell me what the proper circulation should be for my tank, (i.e., should it circulate 2 times per hour or more ? Please advise. Thanks
  14. buckets

    live rock

    A friend of mine just gave me approx. 100+ lbs. of live rock which he had sitting in his retired aquarium. The lr was covered with water but the salinity was off the chart and this rock was sitting there for about 6 mos. in this high concentration of salt water. My question is, is this lr ok...
  15. buckets

    baking soda ?

    I have read where some people use baking soda for ph/alkalinity control and that it works quite well. Can anyone refelect on this & if so, how much baking soday would I use for a 180 gal. tank. And what alkalinity and/or Ph should I be looking for. I have a reef tank with approx. 10 reef fish...
  16. buckets

    miracle mud

    Can anyone tell me about "miracle mud" for use in my sump? Is it worth buying, and if so, where is a good place to purchase it? Thanks.
  17. buckets

    miracle mud

    I just purchased a 180 gal. aquarium which I will use as a reef tank. A friend of mine suggested that I use "miracle mud". I know nothing about miracle mud and I want to know if it is worth purchasing and if so, how and where is the best place to purchase it.
  18. buckets

    Confused about lighting

    <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> I have had a 100 gal reef set up for about one year. I just purchased a 180 gal aquarium, and I want to know exactly what type of lighting I need. I know I need at least 3 watts per gal. and I think I am going to use...