heater placement


New Member
I have a 180gal tank with a sump measuring 36"L x 16"W x 18"H, and I was wondering where I should place my heater, either in my tank or in my sump? Also I read where it is smart to use two heaters in case one goes out. If so, do I place both heaters in my sump or tank, or one in the tank and one in the sump? Also the flow rate through my sump is approx. 2000 gph. Also I read where I would need a heating system that would provide 200watts per 50 gal, if this is true would I need a combined heating system of around 700 watts? Currently since the colder months have set in my tank temp. in the morning is around 75F and then heats up to 78F max. during the day after my MH's kick in. Thanks, any info. would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I think it's more like 50w per 25 gals. You may need maybe 400w.
I have 2 150w, 1 in the refuge in the basement, and 1 in the main. Both in the sump would be good. I don't have a heated basement so I put one down there.


New Member
dburr, Thanks, I will probably go with two 200W heaters. One in my sump and one in my tank.
Thanks again, Bill