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  1. allyric

    BTA Ate My Clown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    I woke up this morning and my Maroon clown gold stripe was gone... I didn't have a clue were he went, and my tank is fully enclosed. We'll tonight went the luner lights came on and me and my wife was watching a movie the Green bubble tip anemone spit him out as he relaxed. Why did this happen...
  2. allyric

    Maroon Clown mate?????

    I have a 1.5inch Maroon yellow stripe that Ive had for about 2months. How do I go about getting him a mate. I know it has to be a maroon but how do I do this. Plus he is hosting a bubble tip anemone. I have anotherr anemone to that he doesn't touch(white seba anemone) I have a 55gal. 100pnds of...
  3. allyric

    Feeding my anemone?????????????????

    I'm noticing that they are not very big. How do you get them to split at smaller sizes. Mine is about 8inches in diameter and I would think it would have split by now. What do you look for to see they are going to split???
  4. allyric

    Feeding my anemone?????????????????

    Thank you Thomas for your response. I will take in to account all that you have shared with me. Today however my anemone which is a green tip bubble, moved from the top of the live rocks and took up residense down in a open pathway between rocks. It's kind of cool to see him now because at night...
  5. allyric

    Bubble anenome's

    I have a question to add to this thread. I have a green tip anemone and during the daylight hours(t5 lighting) he is bunched up and very bright green. But after the lights go out he looks as if he blows up. He spreads all out about 1 foot in diameter, and his tenticles get long and stringy, is...
  6. allyric

    Feeding my anemone?????????????????

    I guess the ring is normal,,,,,,,as of now after I feed him the ring and his mouth went inside out. I't is now inside him and looks like a small hole in the middle of him. I hope this is normal,,, is it????????
  7. allyric

    Feeding my anemone?????????????????

    Ok, thank you all for your responses. I may have a problem though, I went to feed him some squid which I got from my local pet shop, and when I got home I noticed that aroud his mouth is like a white ring or somthing simular. I wish I could take a picture but I can't. it allmost looks like a...
  8. allyric

    Feeding my anemone?????????????????

    OK, do you leave it frozen and place it in there? I guess I'll order some squid on the web.
  9. allyric

    Feeding my anemone?????????????????

    I've read an this thread what to feed your anemone, but how do you actually do this. If you havefrozen brine shrimp, how do you spot feed it to him. Thank you :help:
  10. allyric

    What's next??????????????????????????????

    Hurray!!!!!!! I got my lights on and I must say WOW!!!!!!! I guess now I will get a cleaning crew and anemones.. then I'll let the tank adjust for awhile, then get the rest of my fish and then last corals. Does any one have any other suggestions that would benifit me. Thank you all
  11. allyric

    What's next??????????????????????????????

    Thank you!!!!! Will I need to feed the cleaning crew anything or will they be OK on there own????????????
  12. allyric

    What's next??????????????????????????????

    Any suggestions????? or answers??????
  13. allyric

    What's next??????????????????????????????

    What should I set my timers for? How long on days? How long on the moon light?
  14. allyric

    What's next??????????????????????????????

    I ordered my lighting and should be here the 1st. I ordered T5 lighting 2 light bulbs and 2 acit. bulbs. 10,000 HO Ultra daylight lamps. 48 inches. should fit perfectly on my 55 gal. tank. Does the cleaning crew need to be acclimated like fish???? What will I feed them or add to the water for...
  15. allyric

    What's next??????????????????????????????

    Would getting a cleaning srew from this site be OK. and do they need to go in before or after anemones?????
  16. allyric

    What's next??????????????????????????????

    I want to do this slow and right. I have a 55gal tank with 3inches of live sand and about 70pounds of Lr. Been running for about 4months. I have 2 damsels in there and all my water levels are right on. I want to do a coral tank with fish. What should I do first and how quickly. I want a...
  17. allyric

    Ammonia level

    Any thoughts??????????
  18. allyric

    Ammonia level

    Ok thank you, Iguess since I want to do corals I need to find out which fish are able to be put into a coral tank, even if there is no corals yet. What about the clowns? I want to have two, but right now I have a marron clown which is only about 1inch long. He is in my 29 gal tank right now. I...
  19. allyric

    New tank help//////////////////////////

    My tank has been set up for about 4months. Live rock in and all levels are good. Nitrite 0 , Nitrate 0, ammonia 0, now I need to know where does your Alkalanity and ph need to be for a coral reef tank. Also my calcium is also very good and I have liquid calcium to add if it gets down.
  20. allyric

    Ammonia level

    Thanks for your alls opinions. I decided to go and buy an better test kit. I had the dip sticks and was wondering if it was those. I went and got the powder packets test with the drops and so on.(60.00 dollars). It shows my ammonia is 0 and all others are also. So thank you all for your help. I...