Ammonia level


How do you get ammonia levels down. The tank has gone through the cycle and the nitrite is 0 and nitrate is at about 1 if that. but the ammonia level is at .50 and stays there no matter what. how do I get it down or is it OK. Right now all I have is live rock inthe tank but looking to start doing some trial coral runs as soon as lighting gets here.
what salt do you use??? What test kits???
you know what i get a .15-.25 flase reading so i would try another kit lol hear is my findings as it is driving me crazy
red sea .25
aquaruim pharmacals .50-.75
tetra .25
??? store .25
So figure either my salt is bad or its a flase reading go figure good luck with it, also i done alot of reading on this and alot of factors have to do with ammonia readings so you may want to read stuff and see what you make of it as i know my water dont have ammonia but maybe its the salt?


There could be a number of reasons...i am not poking at you but, seriously...are you color blind??? have someone else look at wife sometimes sees differend shades than i do. maybe your test kit is old are the chemicals. are you using CC or sand, if CC how much junk is settled, if sand are you stirring it up? DON'T!!! how big of bioload is in the tank?...if you are SURE it has cycled try a hardy fish and give it a week or to be on the safe side buy a frozen or raw shrimp from the grocery store...not a pink cooked one. dump it in the tank and let it cycle again ... just a few ideas.. anyone else??


Thanks for your alls opinions. I decided to go and buy an better test kit. I had the dip sticks and was wondering if it was those. I went and got the powder packets test with the drops and so on.(60.00 dollars). It shows my ammonia is 0 and all others are also. So thank you all for your help. I guess it does pay to spend a little more to get the best.


Active Member
Glad your tests are better. I would not add corals until later. As soon as you add fish the water quality will be crappy so wait a while on the corals.
Add the fish very slowly. One at a time and several weeks between additions


Originally Posted by hot883
Glad your tests are better. I would not add corals until later. As soon as you add fish the water quality will be crappy so wait a while on the corals.
Add the fish very slowly. One at a time and several weeks between additions
I agree. Fish can take alot more "punishment" than corals can. (your first fish will take a little fluctuation) You have to build up your tank. Add one fish per three weeks. Use that time to QT you new fish!


Ok thank you, Iguess since I want to do corals I need to find out which fish are able to be put into a coral tank, even if there is no corals yet. What about the clowns? I want to have two, but right now I have a marron clown which is only about 1inch long. He is in my 29 gal tank right now. I want to put him in there with another clown, what are my options? and will they do alright with out anemones right now? I know Marrons are aggressive towards each other thats why I want your alls opinion. Also should I get a cleaning crew now or later, and if later how much later?
Thank you