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  1. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Biocube

    Awesome thanks
  2. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Biocube

    What about a filamented flasher wrasse?
  3. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Biocube

    Haha don't worry about it. I like the look of the Hectors. Will it get along with the yellow watchman?
  4. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Biocube

    Ok do you have any suggestions for a fish that is always out in the open and really colorful.
  5. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Biocube

    Ok so I am ready to start putting fish in my tank and I have a basic idea and wanted to get your opinions on it. Here's what I'm thinking: 2 False Percula Clownfish Yellow Watchman Goby Ignitus Anthias ( Idk about this one, is it okay to put in?) Thanks
  6. theyurtal

    Need help with clownfish

    He died yesterday. I contacted my LFS store and explained the situation. It looks like the six line killed him. I already flushed him so no pics possible.
  7. theyurtal

    Need help with clownfish

    So literally overnight my clownfish has started floating around the tank. He has white blotches all over his body. It's not ich. I added a six line wrasse two days ago and they were both doing fine. The clownfish is almost dead but the six line is fine. Does anybody know what is happening to the...
  8. theyurtal

    My Clowns are fighting HELP!!!

    They have stopped fighting and are just swimming around together. The black and white kind of surrendered to the false percula.
  9. theyurtal

    My Clowns are fighting HELP!!!

    So I put a false Percula in my tank a week ago and the family decided that they wanted a black and white clown as well. My LFS said that it should be fine because the Percula hasn't had enough time to get territorial. I put the black and white in and they avoided each other and I figured...
  10. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Gallon Bio Cube

    Ok thanks
  11. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Gallon Bio Cube

    Okay I will definitely do that. I don't want to add fish just so they can die. I will wait a week while ghost feeding and check the water everyday. Should I expect it to spike again?
  12. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Gallon Bio Cube

    Ghost feeding? I don't know what that is but I don't think I am. I am using the API Saltwater Master Test Kit. I have red algae, my LFS said that it was really good for my tank. But no brown algae ever
  13. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Gallon Bio Cube

    I didn't use anything. My ammonia got up to 1 ppm. My nitrate hit 10 ppm and I was told by my LFS that after your nitrate spikes and falls back down that you are safe to put fish in. I used live rock and live sand, I don't know if that's what sped up the cycle?
  14. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Gallon Bio Cube

    When I said the chemical balance is good I meant that everything had spiked then dropped back down to zero. That means that the tank has run it's cycle right?
  15. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Gallon Bio Cube

    Ok so I should add the goby, shrimp, and snails now then wait a couple of weeks then add the clowns and wrasse? And would this be considered overstocking or am I fine on my bio load?
  16. theyurtal

    Stocking 29 Gallon Bio Cube

    So this is my first saltwater tank and I've had it running for 2 weeks with live rock and live sand. My chemical balance is good so it's time to put fish in. I have no idea what I can't put in with what. If anybody could critique the list and tell me what will and won't work that would be...