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  1. flydiver

    GS maroon clown refusing Sebae anemone

    I have an adult gold-stripe clownfish in my 65g tank. I recently purchased a sebae anemone for him, and although he looked interested for awhile, he never actually went into it and is now ignoring it. This is strange because this isn't his first sebae; I had one years ago and he took to it...
  2. flydiver

    Nano Cube or 45 gal ???

    Sounds cool. Post pictures of it when you're finished if you'd like; love to see the finished product!
  3. flydiver

    Nano Cube or 45 gal ???

    P.S. - from the links above (besides the forums), I'm in no way endorsing online shopping, especially with livestock. I'm old school. Or paranoid about ID theft. Take your pick.
  4. flydiver

    Nano Cube or 45 gal ???

    Quote: Originally Posted by FsT4WrD TY for the reply, Totally understand with bigger the tank easier to maintain. Our 55 FW is more work then our 115FW and 180SW combined. As far as fish go, have'nt gave that much thought. Everytime we go to the LFS she likes all the fish that will become meals...
  5. flydiver

    Nano Cube or 45 gal ???

    Saltwater nano tanks are difficult and if you're new to the hobby and the only tank you've had is your 180 gal (good choice, btw), I'd recommend the larger 45+ tank... especially since you want it to be a reef tank. With saltwater, the bigger the tank, the easier it will be to maintain a healthy...
  6. flydiver

    How do you get rid of bristleworms?

    Whatever you do, don't pick them up with your hand because they can sting you.
  7. flydiver

    New chromises getting bullied

    I've never had a neon dottyback, but I've heard that the regular dottybacks are territorial. Is your yellow-tail damsel being a bully too? They're usually territorial too unless the other fish are larger. My advice if it doesn't stop is to try rearranging your live rock, preferably not the...
  8. flydiver

    5 Gallon Saltwater Cube

    Yes, nano tanks are quite the challenge because chemistry changes are almost never slight, so keeping an eye on your water is key.
  9. flydiver

    Can a detached starfish leg turn into another starfish?

    The lights stimulate it more- surely it stresses it out more, thus shortening the likelihood of survival..? It's active at night, and I don't see how it's going to be able to hide very well without a body. Plus, it would have to use more energy to do so. Am I thinking way too much? =
  10. flydiver

    Can a detached starfish leg turn into another starfish?

    I've kept the lights off since I noticed the problem (36 hours, more or less)... when should I turn the lights back on? I have other fish and soft corals in the same tank and I'm concerned about them too.
  11. flydiver

    Can a detached starfish leg turn into another starfish?

    My green brittle star's body has almost completely disintegrated, yet some of his(?) legs are still moving, including its sensory tentacles underneath. Is it possible that these legs can turn into a completely new brittle star? Is it even possible for it to regenerate a new main body section?
  12. flydiver

    HELP! Stress wound on Serpent Starfish!! Treatment?

    Update to this post. Go there to get the background of this post. 24 hours after cleaning my tank, my Serpent Star (or Brittle Star) has gotten this: Overhead view: Side view: I don't know much about these wounds, but they develop after the starfish has undergone quite a bit of stress, right...
  13. flydiver

    HELP! How to save a dying coral banded shrimp and serpent star!!!!

    Do you have any ideas as to what I should do now? I mean, is there anything I can do to save them?
  14. flydiver

    Need help starting tank

    I agree with MJTech12, but again, what kind of filtration do you have? Be careful if you have a backpack filter, as turning it on when the sand hasn't settled chews up the magnets inside them, thus shortening the life of the product. -FlyDiver
  15. flydiver

    sudden death banded shrimp

    Sorry for your loss. =[ What was the water temp.? Did you change anything in your tank?
  16. flydiver

    HELP! How to save a dying coral banded shrimp and serpent star!!!!

    I did a major tank (55 gal) clean yesterday that took quite a long time because I hadn't done it in a long time (don't ask). It was in pretty bad shape, to say the least. After removing all my live rock to siphon clean the sand, I took about 25% of the water out (removal of the live rock made...