Can a detached starfish leg turn into another starfish?


New Member
My green brittle star's body has almost completely disintegrated, yet some of his(?) legs are still moving, including its sensory tentacles underneath. Is it possible that these legs can turn into a completely new brittle star? Is it even possible for it to regenerate a new main body section?


New Member
I've kept the lights off since I noticed the problem (36 hours, more or less)... when should I turn the lights back on? I have other fish and soft corals in the same tank and I'm concerned about them too.


New Member
The lights stimulate it more- surely it stresses it out more, thus shortening the likelihood of survival..? It's active at night, and I don't see how it's going to be able to hide very well without a body. Plus, it would have to use more energy to do so. Am I thinking way too much? =

bang guy

I don't know, this is out of my zone of expertise. You may be right but if it were me I would stick to a natural lighting schedule.