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  1. djshabb


    mines heavy on CUC? I don't see how
  2. djshabb


    Just seems heavy CUC. I can't recall exact numbers but a snail needs "X" amount of real estate in a tank to thrive.
  3. djshabb


    Does anyone clean their sumps/fuge or just let it go wild?
  4. djshabb

    Lets see those tanks!

    That's a beautiful 90 you have there! Thanks! It's my first attempt at a tank larger than 55. I am amazed at the rock work displayed in your tank as with so many others I've seen posted. If I expand in the future I will definitely try a different approach than just a rock wall!
  5. djshabb

    Lets see those tanks!

    Pics of my 90 Side shot 29 biocube And the 8 gal nano that I've just started working on
  6. djshabb


    I have used this product very successfully treating my hippo tang. I just soak algae sheets until it is saturated and the tang eats it and ick goes away.
  7. djshabb

    Returned to hobby after 15 yrs

    I have rapid LED on my 29 biocube and my 8 gal nano. On the 90 I have 4 HO T5 an 2 20K MH.
  8. djshabb

    Returned to hobby after 15 yrs

    I've recently returned to the hobby after 15 yrs. Way back then I ran fowlr 30 gal. I now have a 90 gallon mixed reef, 29 biocube and 8 gal nano. Corals are new to me this go around look forward to learning new things as I go along
  9. djshabb

    White-spotted Hermit Crab (Dardanus megistos)

    I'm new to this group. This is my first post. I have one of the these guys and he is probably my favorite. I put him in my refuge because of his destructive attitude without a doubt not reef safe but an excellent member of the sump keeps things cleani