My coral beauty has ick I got him 2 days ago and I have a reeftank today I am getting a uv sterelizer and ick treatment will the uv sterelizer do the trick alone or it needs the ick treatment
UV will not kill of an existing infection.
Do you have a quarantine tank?
The problem is that now you have put the infected fish in your reef, all you fish have been exposed to the parasite.
Depending on size of fish in the QT. So you have a UV connected to QT? That's quite an expense for a QT, if so.
So, was the fish in your display and moved him to QT once you discovered the ich?
Need more details about what is going on.
I have used this product very successfully treating my hippo tang. I just soak algae sheets until it is saturated and the tang eats it and ick goes away.