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  1. xiaochew

    My new Stress

    this is for the eheim 1264 return pipes that run under the rock and sand bed to create a flow under it. With the help of the scwd i can help alternates flow in the rock. straight thru the over flow box bottom .I will have minimum head loss that required it to go over the over flow box.So i place...
  2. xiaochew

    My new Stress

    Pump pics .Very powerful pump . But i felt its abit bit too noisy for my liking.
  3. xiaochew

    My new Stress

    Hi to you guys,finally its my time to stress on the building of the tank. That is one of my very stress week due to i will be traveling oversea this coming week for a few weeks. I need to make sure the new house renov detail to be done up and the new fish tank to be setup and at least able to...
  4. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    hi all going to start my new setup soon. just got some more items. Deltec KM 500 Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 h&s skimmer a110-f2000 running with Sander Ozonizer - C50 . wish me the best.
  5. xiaochew

    Giesemann INFINITI vs Lumenarc MH lightings

    keke dun want to think any more. going Giesemann spectra.
  6. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by Hefner413 Wow, I just went through your thread again. I can't believe that you just had started that tank 1 year ago. You made that tank look amazing in such a short time... you'll have so much great stuff to start off your new tank. Can't wait to see it!!! keke got to...
  7. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    New tank will be 6ft x 2.5ft x 2.5 ft sump 4ft skimmer -detlec 851 Cr -detlec 601s Return pump Sequence Reeflo Pump – Hammerhead 1800l pump and aqua bee 5000 ocean motion 4 ways Lightings -Giesemann SPECTRA HQ (E40) / T-5 1800 mm (3 x 250W / 4 x 80W) 2 x denitrader sulpher base. 2 x...
  8. xiaochew

    Giesemann INFINITI vs Lumenarc MH lightings

    Hi i am planing to get these following setup for my tank. 72 " x 30" x 30" its mixture of sps and lps. due to the height of this tank mainly the sps will be at the top. please advise which setup i should go for. Giesemann INFINITI HQ / T-5 1800 mm (3 x 250W / 4 x 80W)...
  9. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Hi all, lastest inform. going to decom my this tank.......... but going to start a 290g tank ....... keke will update the equipment listing soon
  10. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

  11. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    hi some of my zoas is not opening.keke
  12. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by xiaochew hi have 7 tang sohal pt abt yt regal t ct sft thaks hi left out 2 total 9 tang yellow eye and madives sft
  13. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by Lizzy Wow! do all the tangs get along? so far so good.once they accept the new comer it will be okie. if not.....keke its not easy to add fish to find way to let them accept the new comer.
  14. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by big In all the time I have been here, this is the first I have seen this post. Very nice! How do you ever keep the nitrates in check with that bio-load?? Massive water changes?? 20% every weeks using denitrator to controller it.try to lower it at 20ppm.
  15. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by Lizzy WOW beautiful tank man! how many tangs do you have in there? hi have 7 tang sohal pt abt yt regal t ct sft thaks
  16. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by JamParty very nice tank! is it possible for you to take a picture of your life systems? ie sump/refugium/skimmer setup...etc?
  17. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by bgrae001 Wow, I didn't even know that it is possible to put that much coral in one tank. It looks awesome. Congrats on your new daughter. Children are such a blessing. My wife is due with our 5th child in June. congra on your 5th baby.
  18. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    hi all, i think my zoas having so problem.some of them are not opening.its only affect the same kind of zoas.but others but seen to be affect.have check for nudi.but can't seen to spot any. have check my kh.yes its very low last two week. i have manage to recover it. will too high calcium...
  19. xiaochew

    New 80G tank

    Originally Posted by SH2000 very nice!!! :) thanks
  20. xiaochew

    New 80G tank
