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  1. linis17

    I have this unknown yellow stuff growing with my zoas, is this harmful to them? Any help appreciated

    Break a piece of the rock with the sponge on it while underwater, put it in a cup with the tank water and put it in the sump if you like, it don't really matter. Make sure the sponge stays underwater at all time or it will die quick.
  2. linis17

    I have this unknown yellow stuff growing with my zoas, is this harmful to them? Any help appreciated

    It's a yellow sponge. The sponge is not gonna do any harm to your coral.
  3. linis17

    29 gallon stocking help

    Coral beauty would be too big for your tank. Needs a min of 70 gallon aquarium.
  4. linis17

    29 gallon stocking help

    I agree with jay0705, also I wouldn't recommend a flame angel in a 29 gallon because if you are planning on having coral, it may nip on it. Try not to stock to many fish in a 29 gallon.