29 gallon stocking help

Hey,all! I have a 29 gallon tank that's rather lifeless at the moment. Currently I have 1 perc clown, 1 red hermit, and 8 turbo snails. I'm going to add a mandarin around Christmas. I have to build up a pod population first. I was thinking of adding a firefish, a clown goby, and either a dwarf angel or a dottyback. I really want a lot of color. Any other fish suggestions?
As for Equipment, I have an Aquaclear 50, an Aquaclear 20, a Red Sea Berlin airlift internal skimmer rated for 60 gallons, a 200 watt heater, and 2 40 watt power compacts. One white, one blue.
In a few weeks I'll be setting up a 10 gallon refugium to raise a pod population for my future mandarin. I'm planning on getting him in December. That gives me 8 months to raise plenty of pods.
I'm also going to add a few corals in the next few weeks. Any suggestions there? I saw one that I loved at the LFS, but it has to be hand fed so it's not good for beginners. I've read that some dwarf angels will pick at corals. Will this happen of they are well fed, or only if I don't feed them for a week? I feed alternating mysis shrimp and daphnia enough that my fish eat it in a couple minutes. When the refugium is up and running, they will have live pods to snack on.
Which of these would work best?
Stock 1:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow clown goby
1 coral beauty
Stock 2:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow clown goby
1 flame angel
Stock 3:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow clown goby
1 dottyback


Well-Known Member
That works. The clown goby is a small fish that often goes unnoticed more often than not. I would stick w the fire fish. Either red, purple or the helfrechi fire
I've fallen in love with the dwarf angels. So either a flame or a coral beauty. I'm still deciding between the two. I'll probably go with the coral beauty because it's $25 cheaper. I still can't bring myself to spend $50 on a fish, no matter how gorgeous it may be. Than a royal gramma and a Midas blenny? I was at the LFS yesterday. Their midas is gorgeous. Slightly pale from the stress of shipping, but still beautiful. And I love the way they swim!
The LFS has a potters angelfish. He's so beautiful! But more difficult to keep. I think I'll stick with the coral beauty.


Well-Known Member
Difficult doesnt mean impossible. Generally w angels they need an aged tank. In most cases w live rock aswell. If your will to wait , which u should w angels anyway then after 6-8 months you could feasibly keep any dwarf angel. Now that said many people have tried to keep flames in tanks over a yr old and still couldn't. Most hardy the coral def is. I have one in my 75. No problems. Are they the most colorful no lol.but if you are worried will it live? Wait a few months and get the coral
I think the coral is my best option. I've had a 10 gallon set up for 8 months. About a month ago I upgraded to the 29 gallon and kept the same sand, rocks, and filters. I've got lots o pods and am very strict about tank maintenance. I have about 35 pounds of live rock and 2-3 inches of live sand. When I set up the 10 gallon fuge I'll add 10 or so pound of rock an about an inch or two of sand to that tank. As well as a few plants. I already have a bit of chaeto in a breeder box in my display.


Well-Known Member
Your on the rt path. The coral is def the easiest. Mandarins when u do get yours watch the belly. You dont want it sunken in. Generally those fish are to far gone. Thin is ok, just watch the belly.Same w scooter blennys the 2 mix well if you like those types of fish
I looked at scooter blennies but since they also eat pods I don't want to pt them both in just a 29 gallon tank. Maybe in my next upgrade. I'm looking at a 100 gallon.


New Member
I agree with jay0705, also I wouldn't recommend a flame angel in a 29 gallon because if you are planning on having coral, it may nip on it. Try not to stock to many fish in a 29 gallon.


Well-Known Member
Agreed the flame is a tough angel to keep. Now w scooters yes they do eat pods, but as w mandys there are frozen foods they like aswell. I have 2 scooters and 2 mandys in my tank. I have no pods left lol. They all eat frozen tho. I kept them in qt until they would eat frozen. Now they do w gusto lol
Ok. Current plan is:
1 perc clown
1 coral beauty
1 royal gramma
1 Midas blenny
And 1 mandarin in December or early January.
Sound good?
For CUC I have 1 red hermit, 7-8 turbo snails, and I saw a serpent star that came on my LR. So I likely have more of them too. I was thinking about adding another hermit or two. I don't know if I'll add corals.
I'll wait for my stupid hermit to switch shells first. His has had a hole for about three months now. It's nearly a centimeter in diameter! There's 7 empty shells for him to switch to, he just won't. I can see his body. I don't want one of the newer ones to see it too and seize the opportunity to kill him.
I don't have to wait anymore. Hermit crab died yesterday. Honestly, I'm surprised he lasted this long. He was the first thing I put in my tank. He's been through a 6 hour move, 2 tank upgrades, and outlasted 4 fish! I'll pick up 3 new hermits this weekend and look at adding another fish or two. I dont want to add too many at once and max out my bioload. I'll add one or two and then wait a week or so before adding another.