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  1. streamfx

    Cant remember

    PH seems to be around 8.3-8.5 Alkalinity around 180ppm. I used my test strips for my pool. Hope they would still work for fish? I ordered a more exact kit on amazon. Being that it is 180ppm would you still recommend I add baking soda?
  2. streamfx

    Cant remember

    That's like 7 cups of baking soda for like 85 gallons. I think it'd kill stuff.
  3. streamfx

    Cant remember

    Thanks! If it was low carbonate wouldn't other corals be having issues? What can be done to fix it? I am new to this.
  4. streamfx

    Cant remember

    I bought this coral that extend pretty big and all of sudden recently this ONE coral isn't happy. It has these white strings that are "Tie"ing itself up. It usually extend with nice tentacles. SG of water is good. Water changes every 2 weeks as normal. Fish tank is about 4 months old...