Cant remember


New Member
I bought this coral that extend pretty big and all of sudden recently this ONE coral isn't happy. It has these white strings that are "Tie"ing itself up. It usually extend with nice tentacles. SG of water is good. Water changes every 2 weeks as normal. Fish tank is about 4 months old.

1)What type of coral is it?
2)What to do about it being stressed?

bang guy

Caulastrea furcate aka Candy Cane

What you are experiencing is often associated with low Carbonate levels. Generally speaking this can be tested with a standard Alkalinity test.

This condition will affect the most rapidly growing corals first. It's usually harmless when quickly corrected but if allowed to get worse will severely stress a coral and can result in Brown Jelly disease and/or polyp disintegration.


New Member
Thanks! If it was low carbonate wouldn't other corals be having issues? What can be done to fix it? I am new to this.

bang guy

This condition will affect the most rapidly growing corals first.

First thing to do is test your Alkalinity level, I would also include a Calcium and PH test.

If Alkalinity is low then start adding 4 tsp of baking soda per gallon to your topoff water. Raise it slowly.

Again, first test to see if anything is low.

If both Calcium and Alkalinity is low then I'd recommend a large water change.


New Member
PH seems to be around 8.3-8.5 Alkalinity around 180ppm.
I used my test strips for my pool. Hope they would still work for fish? I ordered a more exact kit on amazon. Being that it is 180ppm would you still recommend I add baking soda?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by streamfx http:///t/397770/cant-remember#post_3546673
PH seems to be around 8.3-8.5 Alkalinity around 180ppm.
I used my test strips for my pool. Hope they would still work for fish? I ordered a more exact kit on amazon. Being that it is 180ppm would you still recommend I add baking soda?


Please, get a test kit ASAP... the lab type drop tests, not strip tests.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by streamfx http:///t/397770/cant-remember#post_3546671
That's like 7 cups of baking soda for like 85 gallons. I think it'd kill stuff.
I think that's only a little over four cups but that's if your calcium is at zero now (which is impossible) and it won't take that much. That's only the measurement you need to start adding it with your top off.

Don't panic. Just follow Bang Guys advice and you'll be fine.

BTW: Pool water is nothing like saltwater. They won't test the same. Follow Flowers advice and get a MARINE test kit. Not pool. Not fresh water. Marine.

bang guy

Originally Posted by streamfx http:///t/397770/cant-remember#post_3546671
That's like 7 cups of baking soda for like 85 gallons. I think it'd kill stuff.

To be more clear, add 4tsp of baking soda to a gallon of topoff water.

If your ALK is 180ppm then it's fine. Don't do anything until you get your test kits in.