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  1. Kwassing

    coral banded shrimp is aggressive

    I had an arrow crab and a CBS in my 125g.. The first night they overnight and i woke up to the arrow crab missing one leg and the CBS missing both pincers.. A couple months later as the CBS grew back his pincers, woke up and the arrow crab was in pieces... So yea..
  2. Kwassing

    Pics of tank mates ^.^

    Well you can see one of the tiny stubs were one of the tentacles are growing back. Its right in front of the pic dead center. He was well fed, just had a taste for the exotics i guess. I mowed down a small patch of xenia i had as well. Completely lawnmowered the damn thing. Next day was the sea...
  3. Kwassing

    Pics of tank mates ^.^

    I am! Sea apples are pretty hardy. I had an emerald crab as well, but after i saw him lop off two the tentacles of the sea apple, i got rid of him lol.
  4. Kwassing

    Pics of tank mates ^.^

    Yes sir. I love him. Had him for almost a year. I dont know if it has different names, but it was called Huchetti Anthias i think? I have 2 of them.
  5. Kwassing

    Pics of tank mates ^.^

    There are a few fish. Maroon Clown Pair, Arabian Dotty back, 2 yellow tangs, 4 Stripe Damsel. a pair Huchetti Anthias, Purple Firefish, Fire Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp
  6. Kwassing

    Best RO/DI unit?

    Well if you knew who i worked for you would probably really think it was neat lol
  7. Kwassing

    Best RO/DI unit?

    lol i dont install the coffee machines just the softeners and RO units.
  8. Kwassing

    Best RO/DI unit?

    its not meant to be consumed. I believe it will say so on the label. Do as you wish, but as someone who installs commercial RO units in starbucks, I will never drink pure RO water.
  9. Kwassing

    Best RO/DI unit?

    thats why i said it "may". Im not sure what the effects are, but i wouldnt recommend it. Knowing what it does to pipes and outer skin lol
  10. Kwassing

    Best RO/DI unit?

    Drinking pure RO water wont exactly kill you, but prolong drinking of it may make you sick. The thing with RO water, is there are no more minerals in the water and that makes it very aggressive. Pure RO water will eat metal pipes from the inside out in no time. Anyone that has worked on cars for...
  11. Kwassing

    Well, This crazy yellow and black striped nudibranch maybe?

    This little guy just showed up in my nano today. No idea what it is. Im just gonna assume he was just living in some rock for a while. He is yellow, with black stripes, and has feather tentacles like a sea apple and can retract them. He also has little yellow spikes on his body. All of the rock...
  12. Kwassing

    Show off your tank(s)!!

  13. Kwassing

    red fire shrimp

    coral bandeds are normally aggressive towards other shrimp. Normally. I have to trade my off so that i could get skunk cleaners and peps.
  14. Kwassing

    red fire shrimp

    I have a fire shrimp, with a skunk cleaner, 4 pep shrimp, and a camel shrimp, he is larger than all of them and doesnt bother anyone. Him and the skunk hang out together alot of the time doing their sway. But as in anything, theres always a chance you get that one *ahole* that goes against the...
  15. Kwassing


    Thanks everyone!
  16. Kwassing

    Has anyone heard of the newest clownfish

    This is the first ive heard of them. I have however been looking at the Lightning Clowns. They are pretty amazing looking
  17. Kwassing

    Anemone Id please

    here is a semi open picture while in the tank.