Pics of tank mates ^.^



There are a few fish. Maroon Clown Pair, Arabian Dotty back, 2 yellow tangs, 4 Stripe Damsel. a pair Huchetti Anthias, Purple Firefish, Fire Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp


Well-Known Member
Wow... you have a sea apple? Cool! Is that a Malidives lyretail anthia? Nice pics... looks like you have quite a bit of diversity in your tank!


Yes sir. I love him. Had him for almost a year. I dont know if it has different names, but it was called Huchetti Anthias i think? I have 2 of them.


Well-Known Member
Nice. I thought about getting one, but didn't know if I wanted to risk it crashing my tank. I've just recently gotten the nerve to order a Donabella sea hare... lol!

Huchtii Anthias... I can see it now. I didn't quite recognize it as the pics were a little blurry. They have a couple of other names... the Redcheek or Green Anthias.

Everything looks healthy and happy. You must be proud!


I am! Sea apples are pretty hardy. I had an emerald crab as well, but after i saw him lop off two the tentacles of the sea apple, i got rid of him lol.


Well-Known Member
I am! Sea apples are pretty hardy. I had an emerald crab as well, but after i saw him lop off two the tentacles of the sea apple, i got rid of him lol.
Emerald crabs are supposed to be reef safe IF they're well fed. Mine was well fed, but it got banished to the little tank after I caught it lopping flesh off of my yellow porites coral. :eek: I completely understand...


Well you can see one of the tiny stubs were one of the tentacles are growing back. Its right in front of the pic dead center. He was well fed, just had a taste for the exotics i guess. I mowed down a small patch of xenia i had as well. Completely lawnmowered the damn thing. Next day was the sea apple, so bye bye lol. He is currently in my 10g nano. WIth some zoas, hammers and frogspawn.