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  1. sigeia

    Hot Weather!

    I live in E. Tennessee. The weather is in the high ninety’s (98). Is that too hot to ship live saltwater fish and inverts?
  2. sigeia

    high output T-5 lamps?

    I am considering swapping out compact fluorescent lights for high output T-5 lamps. I am under the impression that 39 watts high output T-5 lamps were equivalent to 78 watt compact fluorescent, and run much cooler? I have heard they are equivalent with metal halide without the heat. Does...
  3. sigeia

    Down with the 55-gallon

    Tidal Marine Substrates: Color: Gray Coast Calcite 120 lbs.
  4. sigeia

    Down with the 55-gallon

    I started more than two years ago. Withe two small Niger Trigger fish in a 37-gallon column tank. I then switched them to a 55-gallon for several months. Their new home is a 125-gallon until something bigger is needed. I have pictures of the 37 and 55 on this board somewhere.
  5. sigeia

    Predator reef 37-gallon

    Originally Posted by larryndana Most fish that are not their adult size will be ok in smaller tanks, keeping them short term isn't success because they are so young and small. I'd say success it keeping them at their adult stage and size for over a year or two. With that said, most people say...
  6. sigeia

    Carbon Question?

    Question: Has anyone used this product or know anything about it (Activated Tri Base Pelletized Carbon)?
  7. sigeia


    Question: What size aquarium, would I need to keep five Lion-Fish? No other fish.
  8. sigeia

    Predator reef 37-gallon

    Originally Posted by mie Man i love my niger trigger here is what he lives with. 1 niger trigger, 1 gold stripe maroon clown and his Gbta1 purple codyalctic anenome, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 manderine dragonett, 2 green chromis, 1 blue damsil, 1 scooter blenny, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 camel shrimp...
  9. sigeia

    Predator reef 37-gallon

    Originally Posted by azul1994 Nice pics, you may have stunted their growth in such a small tank, if you've had them for 2 years they should be bigger than they are. Those pictures were when I first got them, had them in the 38-gallon for close to a year. Here they are now in a 55-gallon. Their...
  10. sigeia

    To all Trigger lovers

    Originally Posted by BIGMAN yeah its posible but thats what i like , i have a big tank plus i feed them very well, but i ve seen it done succefully, my friend has them all in a 135gallon. mines is 350 Queen-triggerfish will need at least a 500-gallon aquarium. The queen will most likely kill...
  11. sigeia


    I think I will give the Marine Goop a try.
  12. sigeia


    Originally Posted by jonthefishguy what are you trying to do? I need to glue a PVC fitting to a back pack type skimmer that used rubber gaskets.
  13. sigeia

    Rolling on paint for background?

    Originally Posted by triggerfre For all of you who have rolled on paint for your tank background, i have a few questions that i need help with.I am looking to paint on a blue background on my new 210 gallon tank.What brand or type of paint did you use and what type of sponge roller did you...
  14. sigeia


    Can anyone tell me what kind of non toxic glue, will stick acrylic to PVC?
  15. sigeia

    10 gallon lighting

    Originally Posted by dwendler4 hey guys, i have a 75 gallon that has been up and running for about year now. a while back i kicked around the idea of starting a 10 gallon reef. well im gonna do it now. someone gave me a suggestion for a good light source for a 10 gallon that was only like 30...
  16. sigeia

    Stock list help please.

    Originally Posted by dstoneburg Im currently looking at stocking my 80g bowfront tank. Im thinking... - Lunar Wrasse - Porc Puffer - Huma Huma - Naso Tang - I need a good angel to go with them. The question that comes to mind is can I keep Any type of or certain corals/zoo's/mushrooms/clams...
  17. sigeia

    East Tennessee

  18. sigeia


    This is what I have come up with. A 29-gallon aquarium with fresh saltwater no-sand or rock, painted flat-black on the bottom, both sides and back. One used Skilter Filter protein skimmer filter combo 250 gallons’ per-hour and heater. One old power-head. Are quarantine tanks cycled also, if...
  19. sigeia

    55g....need advice

    Originally Posted by AngelMan Having been personally nailed by two spines of a large Volitan Lion, I can tell you it is not a pain you want to ever experience. I was cleaning a customer's tank and pulling corals to bleach them. I got sidetracked and looked to the side and I accidentally banged...
  20. sigeia


    Originally Posted by oniel21 Depends on the type of fish, amount of fish, and purpose for quarantine. If your looking to run hypo on all your fish, you'll need a larger tank, but if you're going ot use it to only monitor new comers you can use a smaller one depending on the type of fish. You...