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  1. blazinbruno

    Is My Coral Dying?

    I have a pink devil's hand leather coral. When I first put it in the tank it's polyps were out and it looked great. Two days later the polyps would not come out and it got a little yellowish. It shed a few days after that. It but still has not shown the bright pink color or the white...
  2. blazinbruno

    Limiting the light

    I was told to limit the light use on my live rock to only four hours a day to keep alge under control. I am getting ready to add some soft corals this weekend and want to know if there is minimum number of hours for the corals? Will I get a big alge bloom if the lighting is doubled?
  3. blazinbruno

    How Many fish for a 65

    I have talked to several people about overcrowding and get a different answer almost every time. Is there a set number of fish per gallon? Do the smaller guys like to goby, blenny etc allow for exceptions? Does the clean up guys like shrimp of sifter stars add significatly to the bio load? Do...
  4. blazinbruno

    Feather duster lost his crown

    I don't have much info on you poor feather duster, but the dive hats a kickin. Where is the best dive spot in WI
  5. blazinbruno

    How many are too many

    The tank is through it's cycle. Ammonia and Nitrate is zero. Clowns are of the same species. The pet store recommended live rock with a protien skimmer. Is this wrong? They also recommended the fish. Judging by all of your reactions this is wrong. If so, some helpful information would be...
  6. blazinbruno

    How many are too many

    The tank is cycled. The clown fish are the same species. Amonia and Nitrate are both zero. I am new to the hobbie and the pet shop recommended cycling the tank with live rock and a protien skimmer.
  7. blazinbruno

    How many are too many

    I have a 65 gal with 55 lbs of live rock. It's been up a couple of weeks and is doing well. I have a couple of clowns to cycle it. How many fish can I put in this size tank? Does the clean up crew (crabs, snails, shrimp etc) add to the fish count? PS How small can you go on a nano tank?