Search results

  1. pointman

    Niger trigger and Dog faced puffer for sale cheap

    I'm in Gastonia and may be interested in both of them. When you say you are "near" Charlotte, what do you consider "near". Post some pics of the fish.
  2. pointman

    Use my old Fluval 303???

    I have a 30 set up with an emperor filter and bio-wheel. I have an old Fluval 303 canister filter in storage from an old fresh water setup. Should I add it to my tank for the additional filtration/ circulation? Secondly, are there any special cleaning procedures other than changing the sponges/...
  3. pointman

    Does live rock need special lighting

    My tank has a wooden top to make it a little easier on the eyes. What do I look for as far as lighting that will work under the hood. I have read some threads about retro kits....not sure if that is something that will work or not. Another thread said that they used two 65w lights.....I kinda...
  4. pointman

    Does live rock need special lighting

    I have a 30 gal marine tank and want to start building with some live rock. The tank has been running for about 3 years so everything is stable. Do I need special lighting or will the "stock" lighting be sufficient. Also, I have noticed that there are several different types of live rock, is any...