Niger trigger and Dog faced puffer for sale cheap


i have about a 3 inch niger trigger and about a 6 inch dog faced puffer for sale. I would take 20 for the trigger and 30 for the puffer or 40 for both. I don't want to ship, but i am willing to meet some one within reason of the Charlotte, NC area. I can post pics in the am if requested. Neither fish has ever been sick and i have had them since thanksgiving. the puffer is very docile and the trigger is decently docile. I am going towards a reef and have to get rid of these 2. they haven't even touched the snails or hermits. No reasonable deal will be turned down.
Thanks guys.


New Member
I'm in Gastonia and may be interested in both of them. When you say you are "near" Charlotte, what do you consider "near". Post some pics of the fish.


I am in gastonia too, if you were a little bit sooner... lol Sorry i took them back to the LFS tonight. If you are a cop in gastonia i bet i know you or at least we know the same peep...