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  1. blink06

    The XBox xbox... NOOOO

    this is why i bought my kids a ps3
  2. blink06

    lost my shrimps

    would you think it would be more the salt mix or the new 20lb live sand that did it
  3. blink06

    lost my shrimps

    it was live sand .and i used a cup to add the sand
  4. blink06

    lost my shrimps

    can anyone tell me what went wrong. 75 gallon with 18 gallon sump. up and running 4 years, 2 things you need to know i just did water change sat 11/24 10 gallon i change from instant to ocean reef cystals, last night i did add a 20lb bag of live sand. and hour later found 1 of my cleaner shrimp...
  5. blink06

    blue spot tang

    what due you feed your tang ????
  6. blink06

    temperature range
