lost my shrimps


New Member
can anyone tell me what went wrong. 75 gallon with 18 gallon sump. up and running 4 years, 2 things you need to know i just did water change sat 11/24 10 gallon i change from instant to ocean reef cystals, last night i did add a 20lb bag of live sand. and hour later found 1 of my cleaner shrimp dead then tonight when i got home from work found my 2nd cleaner shrimp dead what is going on . water temp 78/ca 400/ ph 8.5 salt 1.023/ nitrat 20/ i have 2 clown fish 1 fire fish . 1 half black angle. 1 algae blenny and 20 to 25 snails and around 125 lb rock


Active Member
maby the blenny got hungry...
the change may have been too much or something? it's like acclimation, it has to be changed very slowly most of the time. maby also have been something in the sand you added.


Active Member
My bet would be somthing in the sand. I am not sure about the properties in salt mix's and how much they can vary from one brand to another.


Active Member
To date, I've lost 5 shrimp, but all on introduction. Some were my fault due to acclimation, and a couple I am yet to figure out. My params were good, but something was different from what they were use to.


Originally Posted by blink06
can anyone tell me what went wrong. 75 gallon with 18 gallon sump. up and running 4 years, 2 things you need to know i just did water change sat 11/24 10 gallon i change from instant to ocean reef cystals, last night i did add a 20lb bag of live sand. and hour later found 1 of my cleaner shrimp dead then tonight when i got home from work found my 2nd cleaner shrimp dead what is going on . water temp 78/ca 400/ ph 8.5 salt 1.023/ nitrat 20/ i have 2 clown fish 1 fire fish . 1 half black angle. 1 algae blenny and 20 to 25 snails and around 125 lb rock
How did you add the sand? Was it wet live or dry live? The ten gallon change would not have made a difference as long as it was mixed up like any other salt mix. Were your readings that way before or after the addition of the sand and the change? What were they on the opposite end of the change and addition?


Active Member
How are you testing specific gravity? How long did you let the water mix before changing? Your salt level is slightly low for inverts, 1.025-1.026 or 35-36 ppt would be better, maybe it dropped enough to affect them?


Active Member
What about the pH?? Could something in the sand have dramatically driven the pH up? It seems kind of high at 8.5, isnt it supposed to be like 8.2??? Just wondering.


Invertebrates, especially shrimp and echinoderms are very succeptible to dramatic changes in pH, Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia, specific gravity (salinity), oxygen, and last but not least, temperature.
Is it possible the sand was at room temperature and the water mixed (considering it's getting cold out) and it dropped the temperature in the tank which can lead to a change in Oxygen as saturation levels change depending on Water Temps. I doubt the pH changed much, but perhaps you nitrates spiked? What was your Ammonia and Nitrite level after adding the sand? You probably just did too much too fast. I've been guilty of that many times (especially with coral and live rock).


Mate, it depends on which created a more drastic change in one of your water chemistries. It could be the live sand was somehow contaminated and spiked something... I doubt your salt mix would

things up unless the water you were using wasn't right. Remember if you mix you're own water, to heat it up (separate heater) before putting it in the tank.