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  1. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    I don't know if I'm up to that kind of diy ! Lol
  2. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    I'd like to see how I could add a sump I think
  3. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    Have you read the rest of the post ? Same thoughts ? And hob fuge or add a sump ?
  4. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    And I allocated $350 forbthe tank this month , more if emergencies of course
  5. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    Suggestion on what ones ? I just ordered the Red Sea test kit
  6. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    Love that movie !
  7. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    20 gallon (about 16 gallons of water)
  8. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    Red Sea Fish Pharm ARE21525 Marine Care Test Kit for Aquarium ? And what about adding a sump ? Or hang on back refugium ?
  9. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    Gotcha, So in my small tank just how big of a clean up crew ? And lights off for a couple weeks ? Will that mess with my live rock? It is starting to purple up. It is an API reef test kit. I really wish there was just a digital tester that I can dip in the water and tell me what's going on ...
  10. kunathm

    8 weeks now past my intial rookie mistake, what next

    hi guys, I am now at the 10 week mark. I still have some algea and I'm trying to take the next step carefully. I was told a week or two ago to add more snails (mix of snails) I haven't yet (still scared from my first ordeal) what I have in the tank now is 10 blue leg hermits, 10 cernith snails...
  11. kunathm

    Small brown dots on glass ?

    20 gallon
  12. kunathm

    Small brown dots on glass ?

    So I have 10 hermits now, 10 cerinth snails an emerald crab and a peppermint shrimp, what should I add ?
  13. kunathm

    Small brown dots on glass ?

    Sent ! Thank you !
  14. kunathm

    Small brown dots on glass ?

    No computer
  15. kunathm

    Small brown dots on glass ?

    I can't ever upload them from my phone, but today I noticed more of the dots and red hairy algea on the sand ? I'd email a pic of you could post it or look at it
  16. kunathm

    Small brown dots on glass ?

    Almost all the green and brown algea is gone from initial setup of tank, now there are small circles that are brown/dark red in color. Won't come off with my magnet cleaner? Thoughts ?
  17. kunathm

    Sooo starfish died. . .

    Going away for three days, I have a timer, should I set it up for 6-7 hours of full light a day or just leave it off and let the cleaners finish cleaning up the tank all the way ?
  18. kunathm

    Sooo starfish died. . .

    Turbo snails ?
  19. kunathm

    Sooo starfish died. . .

    Ok, gotcha. I still have algea on the live rock and some on the glass. Should I get more cleaners or no?
  20. kunathm

    Sooo starfish died. . .

    So one or two clowns, or can I do a clown and blue tang ? But don't know if the 5 year old (or I) could handle nemo and dory diying !?!?!