Small brown dots on glass ?


Almost all the green and brown algea is gone from initial setup of tank, now there are small circles that are brown/dark red in color. Won't come off with my magnet cleaner?

Thoughts ?


Well-Known Member
I can't ever upload them from my phone, but today I noticed more of the dots and red hairy algea on the sand ?

I'd email a pic of you could post it or look at it
Email the pictures to yourself then save them to a file on your computer. Then upload them from there. That's what I always do.


Well-Known Member
I'll post them but I'll tell you right now that's healthy algae. If you don't want it on your glass just scrape it off.


Well-Known Member
Just a small variety pack of snails will do. Serith, nerite, nassarious, turbos and margarita snails. sells a pack of 20 for about $25. Each snail has a different job to do as their feeding habits vary.