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  1. mark420

    How many Fish can I have??

    JWT, I'm really glad that there are people like you are willing to help us rookies. I guess need to tak to my LFS to see if they will take my tangs :( I wish that they would have told me that was over stocking. They knew had and said that they would all be fine. I really hate to lose the...
  2. mark420

    How many Fish can I have??

    Right now I have "saddleback"?Clown bout 2 1/2" square antheis bout 4" Coral Beauty bout3 1/2" Yellow Tang 3 1/2-4" Scooter Blennie 1 1/2" "Lip-stick?-Vlaminga?" Tang 7-8" All meas. are nose to end of fin. I also have an anemone that is bout 4' don't know what kind. White with purple...
  3. mark420

    How do you get those anenomys to stay still...

    Well I don't know all that much, but I do know that my first anemone died because every time it moved from where I put it, I would try to move it back. It died not to long after. From what I have heard, You should find a place in the tank (not too close to any power head) and with good lite. and...
  4. mark420

    How many Fish can I have??

    I have a 58g now with LR and 6 fish and have been told that it is over stocked. I just got my new 100g(I thought it was a 125g) How many fish can I stock in the new tank?? :eek:
  5. mark420


    Thank You for the help
  6. mark420

    Emperor Angel

    Thank you all for your response. My LFS told me that they liked to eat brains. Are there any other angels that are simalar in colors like the emporer
  7. mark420

    Need help with octopus 3000 controller

    Is any one who has or knows anything about a Aquadyne Octopus 3000 controller unit. Please help me!!! I don't have an owners manual :confused:
  8. mark420


    what does FOWLR mean?
  9. mark420

    Emperor Angel

    I was wondering what if any corals I can keep if I get an Emperor Angel fish.Mushrooms? Polyp's? etc. I'm new to this hobbie and this fish is one of the most appealing I saw in books and what got me to start this hobbie. I have a new 125g tank on the way that I,m still trying to decied how I...
  10. mark420


    I'm new to this and would like to find some info or feedback on setting up live rock. different styles and configurations. I have a new 125g on it's and have a 58g w/LV, fish and a few corals that I intend on putting in the 125g also any tips or help in setting my new tank is welcome Thank you...