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  1. J

    Lock jaw

    I heard of tube feeding but couldn’t find much on the subject any info helps I am desperate.-thanks
  2. J

    Lock jaw

    Hi everyone my loinfish for about a week or so has been struggling to eat I believe it is lock jaw through the research I have done it’s diet is krill or silversides 2-3 times a week but I have been feeding it mostly silversides and I read the krill probably did it any suggestions on what to do...
  3. J

    Lion fish tank mates

    Ok thanks a ton
  4. J

    Lion fish tank mates

    Thanks for the help another fish I was thinking of was a yellow tang but I know the tank size is pretty debatable
  5. J

    Lion fish tank mates

    I love the blue jaw triggers. But I Know they need a huge tank do you think a fox face would work in a 100-120
  6. J

    Lion fish tank mates

    Hey everyone I have a small volition lion fish in a 55gal which I know he will out grow I plan on getting a 90 or bigger soon but I was wondering about cool potential tank mates any thoughts?
  7. J

    Lion fish

    Ok thanks for all the help I really appreciate it
  8. J

    Lion fish

    It’s 60gal I plan to upgrade eventually but 60 seemed like a good start
  9. J

    Lion fish

    Big canister I know they are a nitrate factory but I have been trying to find a sump I have a UV sterilizer a protein skimmer and a wave make but I shut it off so he wasn’t constantly fighting with the water
  10. J

    Lion fish

    it Is a black volition I drip acclimated it for 40min it is weird though because he looks and acts fine he just seems to be breathing a bit heavy. Thanks for all the help by the way
  11. J

    Lion fish

    I thought krill was kinda wired I wanted to get silver sides but the guy and the store said to start with krill. He is about 3inch and I wasn’t zero it was just below 20 I just didn’t want to confuse any one. One thought I had was maybe he was just nervous because I was so close to the tank. Thanks
  12. J

    Lion fish

    I am feeding frozen krill once a day the readings have ammonia nitrates and nitrites all at 0 the flow was very heavy so I turned the wave maker off and now it seemed to help a bit but he is still using his mouth to breathe
  13. J

    Lion fish

    Hey everyone I am new to the hobby. I started in fresh water and the moved to salt I assembled a tank and let it cycle for 2-3months and finally on Sunday I bought a lion fish he is eating good but I just noticed he is breathing just a bit heavy so I tested the water and it is perfect. Any...