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  1. G

    Please identify

    It doesn't show up in pictures. I would have to upload a video in order to see it, however I can't attach anything larger than 2 mb and all of my pictures are more than that but it looks like cobwebs. There is some on my conch. He looks like he walked right through a doorway full of cobwebs.
  2. G

    Please identify

    The black is just shadow
  3. G

    Please identify

    No. It looks like white smoke. It’s between the two rocks. Looks cloudy in the picture
  4. G

    Can somebody identify

    Was able to upload on a different post
  5. G

    Please identify

    I just noticed this stuff starting to grow on my rocks. Looks like smoke! Can somebody identify
  6. G

    Can somebody identify

    Won't let me upload picture
  7. G

    Can somebody identify

    I just noticed this stuff starting to grow on my rocks. Looks like smoke! Can somebody identify
  8. G

    Lethargic bangaii cardinal?

    Unfortunately it passed last night. The other one is doing great though. I'll have to go and get either 1 or 3 more to keep it company in a couple of weeks
  9. G

    Lethargic bangaii cardinal?

    I have 1 of 2 bangaii cardinals in my QT that got stuck between the glass and an in tank filter. I thought it was dead. When I removed the filter it swam to the other side of the tank and just stared out of the tank like it was contemplating the meaning of life. This was 6 days ago. It eats when...
  10. G

    Upsizing my tank

    Ok, if i transfer all of my live rock and use new substrate, do i need to cycle the tank. Just trying to see what i need to do with my current fish and cuc
  11. G

    Upsizing my tank

    Going to upsize from a 55g to a 75g soon. My question is, if I transfer all of my rock and substation over to the new tank, do I need to cycle the tank?
  12. G

    Can you identify these?

    Ok so to better describe these things, they look like micro ammonite fossils
  13. G

    Can you identify these?

    I have a hermit crab and an astrea snail that have these little white things on their shells. Can anybody identify them
  14. G

    FOWLR tank additives?

    Should I be adding any trace minerals to my fowlr tank? I’ve lost my skunk cleaner shrimp and a few hermit crabs since my last water change 2 weeks ago. My PH is 8.2, ammonia is 0, nitrites is 0, nitrates is < 20ppm. My salinity is held steady at 1.025. Just trying to figure things out before...
  15. G

    Skunk cleaner shrimp died.

    Within 2 degrees of each other. I make sure to turn the heater on in my storage tank the day before i change water and turn on a power head as well to circulate it. The salinity was dead on the same
  16. G

    Skunk cleaner shrimp died.

    I just recently did a water change on my tank. 4 days after my skunk cleaner shrimp molted. The next morning it was active but that night I had found it to be dead lying on the rocks. I checked my water parameters and everything is good. I have 2 clowns and 2 Molly’s in my tank. Any idea what...
  17. G

    Cleanup crew recommendations

    I’ve got a skunk cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp as part of my clean up crew. One of them just molted. Am I supposed to take care of the skins or will that be naturally taken care of with the crabs and snails?
  18. G

    Cycling question!

    Four days ago I added 2 more fish to see if it would change any of the water test readings. After 2 days I had Ammonia @ <.25, Nitrites @ 0ppm, Nitrates at 10ppm. Yesterday it was back to Ammonia @< .25ppm, Nitrites @ 0ppm, Nitrates @ 5ppm. This is using an API master test kit. I also have a...
  19. G

    Cycling question!

    So it looks like my tank is finally making some progress. This morning after i got off work i added some more bacteria. This afternoon when i checked the water it showed ammonia @ <.25ppm, nitrites @ 0ppm, nitrates @ 5.0ppm. I know sometimes it happens really fast but could i have missed the...
  20. G

    Cleanup crew recommendations

    Looking to add a cleanup crew, what and how many would be a good start for a 55 gallon tank?