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  1. iampumpkinman

    Reef ready tanks...

    I have seen alot of talk about new tanks, and people asking if they are rr. What makes a tank reef ready?
  2. iampumpkinman

    Using black sand

    Is there any main difference between regular ls, and black sand? Does anybody use it in their tanks? Does it make the colors on your animals "pop" more?
  3. iampumpkinman

    I'm going to start a 10 gallon..

    Hey all, I'm going to be starting a 10 gallon nano tank, and at the moment, I am thinking of going reef only, but not too sure yet. I dont really want to put fish in, becuase I have a 60 that will eventually be fish. Any suggestions on what kind of corals I should put in it? And if it is only...
  4. iampumpkinman

    Cylindrical tanks

    Yeah, this is a question over what you think is better for the fish, cylindrical and tall, or just the regular rectangular long tanks? It almost seems that fish would think they have more room with cylindrical becuase it is a neverending turn, but is this true? Is the distorted view you get...
  5. iampumpkinman

    Mandarin Question

    I'm going to be starting a nano reef pretty soon, and the guy at the lfs said that a mandarin will do just fine in 10 gallons. Is that true? I trust you guys over the money grubbing lfs.
  6. iampumpkinman

    getting fish to feed off a feeding stick

    Im trying to get a couple fish to eat shrimp off of a feeding stick, but they want nothing to do with it. How have you gotten your fish to eat off of them? Do I just try to get it close to their face and hope they dont swim off?
  7. iampumpkinman

    When you say goodnight to your fishies

    When you tell your fish its their bedtime, do you turn off all the lights, or do you keep on a low level light? Does it affect the fish at all to have it completely dark?
  8. iampumpkinman

    expensive lighting!!!

    Anybody that has bought new bulbs, light fixtures, anything, knows that it is really expensive for the fish tank. I understand there are different uv percentages and stuff, as compared to a normal fluorescent light, but why is it so much more? What is so expensive in the creation of these lights?
  9. iampumpkinman

    Wanna see an amazing jellyfish?

    Ever wanted to swim with a jellyfish 10 times bigger than you? Me neither. So here is a picture, that will make you flip ***this is not my picture, and i dont know who owns the rights to it, im just showing it to go wooooowwwww
  10. iampumpkinman

    Freshwater fish!

    Does anybody know of a freshwater/tropical fish site, like this one? This site is great for any questions, or general research, and it wouldnt hurt to see one for fw too :happyfish
  11. iampumpkinman


    Didnt want to start a thread for it, but what does IMO stand for? I searched, and I couldnt find it...
  12. iampumpkinman

    w00t I just won a 60 gallon tank!!

    60 gallon tank, filter, hood, light, heater, $31.00. woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. iampumpkinman

    Anybody know about ebaumsworld games?

    I cant beat the fourth level of the new tron that was released. Can anybody in here beat it? And if so, what was your strategy?
  14. iampumpkinman

    I need HELP!!!!!

    Alright, i just got the news that anybody would want to hear! In the next few days, i may be getting a 1000 gallon+ for FREE!!! woot!! But i have a huge problem, i obviously cant transport it without draining it, and packaging up the fish (dont have a fish list yet, the only for sure is a shark...