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  1. tahoetanks

    Odd Question

    Alright. I have a very odd question. I am wanting to bomb the house for spiders here pretty soon. We get black widows where I live and I am terrified of them. Have never seen one in the house and I want to keep it that way. But I got to thinking about protecting my tanks. I was thinking of...
  2. tahoetanks

    should I frag or not?

    Alright. I have never fragged a mushroom before. Please someone tell me if this would be warranted or not. I have a rock with 5 huge rhodactis mushrooms on it. The mushrooms are getting so big that they are overlapping like crazy. I prob have more than 5, just can't see em. I am thinking of...
  3. tahoetanks

    I think my anemone is biffing it!

    My anemone was roaming around today after a week of being on the glass. The next thing I know, he is stuck in the intake of own of the powerheads. EEEK! He looks terrible. He was stuck in there tentacle first. From what I can tell there is no damage to the foot. I had to turn the powerhead...
  4. tahoetanks

    New reef tank for my stepson?

    Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see what all of your opinions on this are. My stepson is 12 and is only here every other weekend. He has loved the other reef tanks in our house for years. Now he wants us to start one for him. I'm all for encouraging him to enjoy the reef life. BUT...I...
  5. tahoetanks

    If it's not one thing, it's another

    My black cucumber is biffing it-I think. Today it is purging all of its guts everywhere. Poor little fella. I have had him for 6 months. Rumor has it that the gut explosion is toxic to fish. So I pulled him out and put him in my hospital tank. Just to be on the safe side. While I was...
  6. tahoetanks

    Id please

    Sorry, will have to post photo tomorrow if needed. Here's my question. I have a reef tank and in one of the rocks that has a leather coral on it there is something I can't figure out going on. It looks like a the butt end of a snail comes out of the rock, but never all of the way. Just...