If it's not one thing, it's another


My black cucumber is biffing it-I think. Today it is purging all of its guts everywhere. Poor little fella. I have had him for 6 months. Rumor has it that the gut explosion is toxic to fish. So I pulled him out and put him in my hospital tank. Just to be on the safe side.
While I was getting him out of the tank, I finally noticed that I now have copepods all over the back wall of the tank. I never clean that side and let the algae have it. The funny thing is, I just ordered a bottle of em. Ha. Timing really is everything. Lose one thing, gain a few hundred others


There have been many times when I have almost convinced myself to do away with it. But then there are days like today that I am glad I kept it.


Active Member
What are your thoughts on why the cucumber is in trouble? Is this a sand sifter, or filter feeder? Any recent water changes, or aggressive fish?
Evisceration is a defensive measure in many cases...so they can recover from it. But obviously if something else may be going on, the odds may not be good.


My FoxFace is very territorial and I think the cucumber got too close to the veggie clip. The cucumber is a sand guy, but hasn't been in it very much lately. Nothing has changed in my tank since I got him 6 mos ago. Did a 10% water change about 6 days ago. Nothing new added to tank in months. Today, he is still alive, but it looks like intestine hanging from him. I'm guessing his odds aren't good. What I read said that in tanks they rarely make a comeback after this. The foxface is a terror! My money is on him. I haven't seen him pestering the cucumber, but who knows. I guess its time to hurry up and wait. Just REALLY glad I kept the hosp. tank.