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  1. nofly45

    Post Your Pictures Of Your Nano

    Hey just want to see some pictures so for keep annoying ya'll with all the threads. just plz submit your pictures today!
  2. nofly45

    Submit your pictures of nano tanks

    hey, nofly again curious ( as usual) i was wondering if so of you could post some pictures of your nano tank. i would love to see yours to get an idea of what i should do with mine when i get it. it should be very soon and i will post my picture of it! thanks
  3. nofly45

    24g nano good or bad?

    well, im wanting to buy a 24g nano but i dont know a couple of things... 1. Is it a good aqurium for begginers? 2.what kind of fish/corals should i put in it it hard to maintain please comment me back with some answers!!thanks
  4. nofly45

    29g BIOcube ?

    im wanting to get a 24g aquapod is it a good choice?
  5. nofly45

    Post a picture please

    hey man, im thinking about getting a nano too. im want to get a 24g nano. does anyone have any advice for me? if you do plz message me back
  6. nofly45

    Here I go!

    that looks so good!!i have a question is a 47g a good begginer tank??thanks
  7. nofly45

    selling tank (again)

    i want to buy everry thing left sir
  8. nofly45

    selling tank (again)

    email me i trhink i may want to buy every thing and when u email me can u let me see more pics???
  9. nofly45

    Pics of my 120

    looks good
  10. nofly45

    Tank Diary Update !!!

    that looks good and sorry about the surgey dude
  11. nofly45

    just some pictures of the ole 58 gal

    looks pretty good what fish did u have????????
  12. nofly45

    Amazing Film, Something For Everybody!

  13. nofly45

    have a 29g biocube and it's cloudy

    what kind of filter do u have???????
  14. nofly45

    have a 29g biocube and it's cloudy

    how long has it been dirty like that?
  15. nofly45

    Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!

    k thanks gotta go
  16. nofly45

    Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!

    my uncle works at the ga aquruinm
  17. nofly45

    Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!

    can any body answer me???????????
  18. nofly45

    Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!

    once i get mine i will post lots of pictures
  19. nofly45

    Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!

    is a 47 good???
  20. nofly45

    Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!

    well...every body can answer my question if u want