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  1. puffer200

    first pic of 180 reef

    yea... it's actually a pretty decent set up behind the tank. theres a fair amount of room and since it's closed off, the mess factor becomes a non issue (out of sight). this keeps the wife off my back. ill try to get some more pics up. ive been trying to post more and for whatever reason, the...
  2. puffer200

    first pic of 180 reef

    we'll see how this works. first time ive taken a picture and tried to post. tanks been up since last july. tried to upload more than one pic and was unable to do so. can anyone serve up some advice
  3. puffer200

    acropora question

    ive got it in the tank about 8 inches from a koralia 4..... is that too much flow????? it's also about 10 inches or so from the halide. this is where it was in the lps. i'll try to get a pic and then figure out how to post it.
  4. puffer200

    acropora question

    Originally Posted by ameno Mine usually just come out at night, very few during the day, so check when lights out and see if there out, it could take a few days to adjust also. thanks for the reply. i have a purple tang and three perculas in a 180 with about 250 lbs of rock. no problems with...
  5. puffer200

    acropora question

    just purchased a nice piece of acropora. has two 5 to 6 inch pieces mounted. have never had sps before. should i be seeing polyp extension??? have seen nothing yet. have only had for two days. (high flow and metal halide lighting) they're beautiful. just hope their alive
  6. puffer200

    anemone shredded by powerhead.. need help

    i posted this the other day.... blue tip anem was caught in powerhead and just completely obliterated. the problem im having now is my tank, for the past week, is covered with long brown string hairlooking things (for lack of a better term). they're also bubble magnets. i'm assuming these...
  7. puffer200

    anemone shredded by koralia 4.. mess

    my tank is an utter mess right now. about a week ago couldnt find my blue tip sebae anemone anywhere. i have a 180 with about 250 lbs of rock. thought maybe he was tucked somewhere in the back. kept looking and finally noticed something in the powerhead. well, there it was. at least a fraction...
  8. puffer200

    what tangs are compatible with a purple tang

    already have a purple tang in the tank. will a naso be ok???? other purples or yellows?? thanks
  9. puffer200

    problem with tunze auto top off

    it's not the unit itself. it's the setup i believe. i have the sensor mounted in the sump and the pump in a thirty five gallon rubbermaid trashcan supplied with ro water. the problem is that after the pump finishes pumping, water continues to flow from the tubing. the tubing is running...
  10. puffer200

    bioload for 180

    i have about 5000gph running. i think i will try the chaeto. what are the lighting requirements for the chaeto????
  11. puffer200

    running carbon necessary with soft corals???

    read an article the other day from an internet site recomending running carbon periodically if you have soft corals. said theres a chemical warfare going on that overtime can buildup and cause issues. any truth to this?? what's everyone's experience with carbon??
  12. puffer200

    bioload for 180

    thanks for the replies. my tank has been running for about six months now. i'm not sure where the trates are coming from. i do have a few dead spots with some detritus buildup but seems like an insignificant amt considering the overall size. i do about 30 gallon (ro) changes every two to...
  13. puffer200

    bioload for 180

    i have 240 lbs of rock. 2 mated pairs of percula's, a purple tang and a six line wrasse. i also have 2 peppermint shrimp a cbs and about 7 or 8 pieces of coral. just wondering how many more fish i can add (med to small) and be ok. nitrates are staying under 20. thanks filtration=sump and...
  14. puffer200

    what can i add with a purple tang....

    thanks for the info
  15. puffer200

    what can i add with a purple tang....

    i didnt realize purples were aggressive towards fish other than tangs of similar body shape. will the dwarf angels munch on my coral??????
  16. puffer200

    what can i add with a purple tang....

    180 gallon with 200lbs of rock. some xenia, hammer, mushrooms, and a mated pair of perculas. would any of the dwarf angles be ok. what about a naso tang or yellow tang??? blue throat trigger or niger?? i also have a few peppermint shrimp, cbs, and a few emerald crabs. thanks
  17. puffer200

    purple tang compatibility????

    does anyone know if a purple is ok with a naso and or blue hippo??? i have a 180
  18. puffer200

    #$@% mantis

    problem is i have about 230 lbs of rock. some pieces are 30+ lbs
  19. puffer200

    #$@% mantis

    took out my maroon clown the other day. have set traps..... no luck. can't figure which rock he's in. matter of time before all the hermits, snails, and shrimp are gone. lights go out and he just starts clicking away. any suggestions??????????
  20. puffer200

    3 inch maroon clown vanished.... mantis???

    how large of a mantis shrimp would it take to hijack a maroon clown??? i have a 180 with 200+ lbs of live rock. the last batch of rock (60 lbs) was purchased about a 3 weeks ago (tank is 3 months old) from a place in florida. the rock was nice with lots of life. that life however included,to...